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The zones in any MMORPG are the building blocks of the entire world – and the World of Warcraft is no different.
But with a 20 year history and dozens of zones added, some tend to be a little more fondly remembered than others.
In todays video we check out some of The WORST Zone Of EVERY WoW Expansion | World of Warcraft
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Get a start on FRESH with RestedXP, they have the best leveling guides available from 1-60 made by speedrunners. Ive done 10+ 60s on Classic and they even improved on the routes I used. Free up to level 20. Use Code: willeFRESH for 15% off!
I think blasted lands is worse in classic than desolace is.
Vashir is honestly one of my favorite zones, sure, it was different regarding traveling and so on in there, but it wasent that bad due to the mount with increased speed.
I loved it as it was a very unique zone that stood out, it had a lot of cool places to explore and pretty great lore as well, its one of the zones I actually miss.
The Dread wastes in Pandaria were absolutely loathsome, i absolutely hated that zone.
MoP as a whole was an awful xpack
THE MAW!!!!!
The problem with modern wow zones is theyve already covered every single biome know to man and now theyre having to just repeat zone aesthetics. Anything beyond mists is just a rework of a zone that came before it
Yeah… the worst part of the Maw was they …just …kept …sending us back !!
Classic = Deadwind Pass, Moonglade, Blasted Lands
TBC = Blades Edge Mtn
Northrend = Crystalsong Forest
Cata = Vashjir
MoP = The Veiled Stairs, Isle of Giants
WoD = Tanaan Jungle
Legion = Eye of Azshara
BFA = Mechagon
Shadowlands = Maw
DF = Forbidden Reach
tWW = Siren Isle
Badlands and Hellfire Peninsula. It’s like they purposefully tried to make the hardest thing to look at
WillE video comes out; my leveling experience is instantly better.
Dude…. your taste in zones is wack.
Sholazar is worse than Zul Drak.
Arathi, Felwood and The Hinterlands all suck more than Desolace.
Using patch zones to stack up to base zones is not a great comarison.
Agreed with most, but the Hellfire Penninsula disrespect was too much. That zone is dope. Good quests, easy to navigate with a solid hit of nostalgia when you enter it.
i didn't have the mount problem in the maw I played a worgen so I could do wild running
Zul’Drak was honestly one of my favorite parts of leveling in WotLK. I thought the storyline they set up was well written, with the native trolls turning to consuming their gods to fight back the scourge. Getting to see that played out as you go up from the lowest tier that’s overrun by scourge, through the zone to Gundrak at the top where the trolls are holding out. Borean Tundra had nothing near as compelling going for it, imo.
Would love a Best Zones video.
My major disagreement was with Mechagon being the BFA worst. IMO that was the best "Timeless Isle" zone they've ever done. You could fly but you'd get shot at, the /1 chat was alive and fun, the support for rare killing was great, and the blueprints thing you turned in with the NPC in town was a fun achievement to go after.
It’s a shame the pandas were so poorly received. Because MoP was one of the best looking expansions ever. Each zone is visually excellent. They really Ooked it in the Dooker with that one.
I think Kun-Lai was worse than Krasarang Wilds. I remember almost nothing in the questing from that zone save for Jade Forest aftermath and Xuen.
I totally forgot Krasarang Wilds even existed until you mentioned it lol
Disagree completely on Desolace. You don't talk at all about the Burning Blade fortress, or their other camp hidden in the mountains. You don't talk about the giants walking around (for most, the first time you encounter them in the game), you don't talk about the Naga, you don't talk about the Saytr camp, or the corrupted Demon area, or the giant war happening between the various Centaur clan. Not to mention Mara is an absolutely amazing dungeon with some of the best lore in the game outside of Blackrock Mountain and the Plagued Lands.
I like you content but this is a braindead take. You ignore 75% of the zone.
“The maw, not being able to mount.” Me who main worgen: haha running wild goes awoooooo
Thinking about the quests in Zul'Drak, yeah it's a bit worse than I remember. Especially trying to do the abomination exploding one on a populated server. But I've got to give the Environmental Design points for the ziggurats and destroyed bits, it was considerably more scenic to look at than Desolace and Tol Barad at least.
vanilla better not be desolace. its a good zone. so what it looks like dried cum flats, you can see every mob and the story is good.
Ringing deeps is 10 times worse then azj-kahet
Oh come on, Guru of Drakkuru is an awesome questline.
Blasted Lands is way worse than Desolace, very little to do there
Hot take: maldraxxus is uglier and worse than the maw. The Maw at least fits a theme as an endgame zone, maldraxxus is a normie questing zone and it blows
Bfa zones was so boring and bland. Useless expansion.
Azkahet as the worst zone in tww? Dude you are CRACKED. Dornogal is by far the most boring ass zone in tww.
For the maw I switched my human rogue to a worgen(wanted to do that anyway) just so I could use running wild before they added mounts.
The Maw was the only interresting zone in a long time because it was a dangerous place, hard to navigate, monsters every where etc, it was a lot better if you grouped and worked as a team, which i usually did, plus the gold making out there was sick. I think it was a really dope zone. Same with the legion zone, these types of zones are just nice, makes the world feel challenging
you pick desolace when we have blasted lands, silithus, deadwind pass or moonglade? Otherwise pretty solid list