There's A LOT Happening With World of Warcraft Right Now.

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World of Warcraft is heading into a brand new age and over the last few days we just got massive news across all games. season of Discovery getting some more class tuning and updates to items as well as ranking all DPS and healers where they stand right now, blizzard products officially being back in China and how 2 million World of Warcraft subscribers were gained pretty much overnight, Mists of Pandaria remix testing reviewal, and endless war within data Minds all in todayโ€™s video. if youโ€™re a World of Warcraft fan, get ready to grab a cup of coffee cuz we got a big one.

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00:00 โ€“ Your Throwing Not Using This.
00:26 โ€“ SoD Class Changes
05:17 โ€“ Sod THE CRAZIEST Farm.
06:45 โ€“ SoD DPS Rankings
10:35 โ€“ SoD Healer Rankings
12:12 โ€“ WOW! 2 Million More Subscribers
13:45 โ€“ Wtf Is Mop Remix?
16:05 โ€“ Last Chance For Plunderstorm
16:30 โ€“ HUGE War Within News
18:00 โ€“ Wtf Is Wrong With People?
19:18 โ€“ YOUR Top Comments


28 thoughts on “There's A LOT Happening With World of Warcraft Right Now.”

  1. Mages becon falls off way too soon for the amount of mana it takes to refresh it.

    Paladin's becon stays on for 1 min but Mage's becon only gets 30 seconds.

    Maybe if they could actually do their rotaion instead of constantly needing to refresh their becon they could become more reliable and fun to play.

    I stopped playing my Mage and swapped to my Boomy.

  2. Casters are in dire straits. It's going to be more of the same unless they use the same solution they did in p2, to increase boss armor, or give casters some type of major buff across the board. At least spriests have excellent utility (and they want to give them more, according to Aggrend's twitter post). You don't really want more than one mage, warlock, or moonkin in a raid at right now.

  3. The simple fact that almost ALL casters are at the bottom of the DPS charts right now SHOULD speak VOLUMES to Blizzard about how BADLY balanced the classes are right now but they have done almost nothing about it and not even acknowledged the ridiculous gap they should be addressed.

  4. Spriest damage is a meme and itโ€™s not because we are a turret. Itโ€™s because everything but void plague does shit dmg. But we are a utility class and off heals. Problem is utility classes should not be at the top of dps cough shaman cough

  5. Imagine being a youtube entertainer and giving your opinion on a phobia that people actually suffer from. Just dont turn it on if you dont like it. I commend Blizzard for giving people with phobias that option if in fact theres more spider than normal.

  6. Paladins and rogues can stun one shot almost anyone in pvp with full hp, they have a huge toolkit to not die also, is this fair? Every paladin and rogue i see are INSTANTLY aggressive because of how op they are. Insta hammer of justice or insta jump to stealth and cheapshot. Please consider that giving paladins endless mana is a buff towards pvp giving them uptime, people who play paladin are pretty special i must say, special snowflakes

  7. "The sweatiest sweat lords out there are farming these orbs"

    proceeds to show nohitjerome ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

    I'm glad I'm not the only one who thinks that dude is a gross nerd. Creeps me out

  8. I dont think they should change shamans healing.

    Like blizzard said, WCL are not everything. Even if shamans output is not as good as other classes, the amount of other things they bring is insane.

    Infinite Mana, WF, Agi, Str, Resistances, interrupt, MP5, Cleansing of both disease and poison without having to stop healing, tremor totem. all of these things are hard to beat when you put them together. If you put their healing as high as priest or mage aswell. They are straight up the best healers.

    Earth shield is better in PvP Scenarios. Carrying a flag or reduce the amount of burst a player can output.

  9. Crying about arachnophobia mode when it has absolutely 0% effect on anyone else's gameplay and lets those who have it have a better time playing the game is cringe


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