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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
that armor SUCCKKKKS , does Murph still work at blizzard?
Am I the only one who keep hearing SHOCK lol
Nice dps and all but are shaman less vulnerable to damage in arenas and pvp en general?
Hi everyone
Resto shaman main and i am 100% going for the chain heal/chain lightning legendary first. Seems so nice for m+ haha
Yeah, some of us can't test the classes or content. No invite :(…. really was hoping to get in. BFA is washed up and boring.
How much legendary you can use ?
Make a monk one next plz
Boneshatter Armguards + Stormfuy seems a little weird, you will probably clip a lot of the boneshatter cd procs and 'waste' them. Ofc you will get the damage buff, but I think the combo would make either the talent or the legendary less effective.
Focus on the feel and not the stats or damage. We were told they will do multiple balance passes on the stats and then right before launch a final polish balance pass.
holy shit that chain heal/lightning legendary is glorious. When you read it I was like wait a minute…. does that…. no…. it can't…
It’s really strange to see the Earth Elemental moving whith the animation of its Legendary.
Blizzard should do more with it.
Good legendarny for shami i love it
Hero is the best pawer ap XD
Has an Enhancement since the middle of TBC. We been the weakest class the longest. I had to go resto for invites and stay relevant in BGs. Sad because Enhancement is so much fun to play.
These leggos are exhausting to understand.
why not showing all legendaries for each spec combine effect ?
"I have a riptide, He has a riptide, Everybody has a riptide"
The Bloodlust legendary effect will be cut down to 1/5 the duration most likely giving 14 secs or maybe 15 secs of BL with shamanism like the trait does.
You misread the earth shield cloak legendary and said "below 20% health" when it says 50% health.. Huge difference right there.
That Riptide legendary for resto is actually really bad and undertuned right now. Let's say you cast 50 riptides over the average fight.. That is basically like 12 free riptides you are getting (and i don't even know if it does the initial heal from it on the free riptide or just applies the heal over time component).
Riptide isnt overly strong, so 12 for free on a 6 min fight really isn't anything to write home about.. a lot of it is probably going to go to overhealing also. I could maybe see this legendary having some use on a boss with constant ticking damage on the raid. I'd like to see it changed to give a free riptide every 3 riptide casts instead of 4.
Its current state though is quite underwhelming.
The Mana tide legendary item doesn't make much sense because it's giving you 0 mana cost Chain heal AND Healing Wave, but healing wave has such a low mana cost anyways it's basically free.. It would make a lot more sense if that was free mana cost Healing Surge instead of healing wave.
How is wasting a gcd casting wf totem for doomwinds that last 8secs great?oh and 1 sec is wasted on the gcd so its 7 secs.
I'm so glad we get instant/haste legendaries so I can play crit/mastery resto.
how do u get legendaries? havent played wow in 6 yrs. also what mods do you use for that in middle?
Never say that something is broken on Shaman, because Blizzard will nerf it to the ground right away and will never come back to fix it. Blizzard don't like coming back to Shaman even if they totally ruined it.
I really think you can't read. So many times something will say 50% and you'll say 20% or something like that
Cant you use the enh ring as well for ele? 29:00
Can you do rogues?
hi, can u please test something for me?
does Elemental Blast , work with the new legendary Elemental Equilibrium?
my theory being since it acts as all 3 elements this could be used as an opener, or filler. an might make Elemental Blast worth taking.
thank you and I enjoy your the videos!
That chain lightning/Chain heal effect is broken. It will make you ridiculous in Mythic + fortified situations.
You misread almost every legendary effect even with the text right in front of you…
Damnit Blizzard! Just update the damn lightning bolt animation already. It looks like it was made in Microsoft paint! Just swap a shaman mob since they all have the awesome lightning effects
5:20 sounds like Primal Primalist Azerite trait from BFA that proc from flametongue attacks + … Well nothing bc lava lash has no CD in BFA, but now that Maelstorm isn't a resource I guess it must have a CD
sorry but shaman is trash right now…
Whats your guys thoughts on Elemental shaman legendaries? I just started playin Ele shaman from Enh shammy and the Ele legendaries feel a bit lackluster for an Ele shaman.
Now if only the race I play could be a shamen ;(
This dude is so trash with anything related to WoW how on earth does he have so many views and subs