These Changes Would SAVE World of Warcraft

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Blizzard Entertainment and World of Warcraft have been purchased by Microsoft! And do you know what that means? It means that it’s time to bring our DEMANDS to Microsoft – things that we know will fix World of Warcraft and make it the biggest MMORPG on the market again. With this video I’m hoping to do just that, to make Microsoft listen so that we can at last enjoy World of Warcraft once again without all the nonsense surrounding it.

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23 thoughts on “These Changes Would SAVE World of Warcraft”

  1. Excellent suggestions. Especially the about our Garrisons also would love for my little garden in Pandaria to become relevant again as well. So much beautiful content that we can revisit.

  2. "How to fix wow"
    Awesome, I bet he's gonna talk about the Generic gear, or borrowed power
    "Remove Gnomes from the game"

    ……and you wonder why Blizzard doesn't listen to community feedback

  3. Introduce history mode. No pvp just pure pve, going through all the expansion in order and doing all the zones with the small missions, being able to play it with your friends.
    Just imagine it, months of fun exploring all the zones and knowing all the lore in order.

  4. I can't stress enough on how this is important for the game. I don't mind keeping the gnomes, but the rest are real issues that makes this game not like it was before.
    I left at the very end of BfA since I was pissed that my characters lost 80 levels (all that year's worth of game play and time to level up vanished in 1 new expansion)
    Maybe, just maybe, if those changes takes effect and Blizzard/Microsoft takes actions to make the game as good as it should be, I would join back and happily spend 30$/month subscription.

  5. I recently jumped from retail to Wrath Classic and i dont regret it one bit.

    The quests were better, the story telling was so much better, all the different zones interacted with each other, you actually got to experience the zones / expansions without levelling to quickly, its just amazing. WoW needs to get bk to this

  6. what about Goblins? they are disgusting green rodents that should be deleted too right? Goblins are to orcs what gnomes are to humans. and since you are removing Vulpera, you need to remove the Worgen too, they are furries as well.
    in regards to hearthstone. Might and magic 7 and 8, games from 1999 and 2000 had Argomage in them. you could, as you said, go into a tavern and play Argomage, there was even a quest to win a game of argomage in every tavern in the kingdom in Might and magic 8.
    Kotor has Pazaak. it's like blackjack, you want to get to 20 or as close to 20 as you can and if your opponent goes over or if you have higher you win and it has 3 rounds. Argomage is a game where each player has a tower and a wall. the goal is to either build your tower above a certain number, which varries from tavern to tavern or destroy your enemy's tower and this works like a a game of magic the gathering, you have resources you use on cards, powerful cards cost more than no so powerful. like. there is a blue dragon card that builds your tower +20, but it costs alot of gems which is the blue source, all these mini games are really fun.

  7. The problem with most of these suggestions isn't that they are bad, actually most of them, except the ridiculous comment about Gnomes, are good ideas. But all of these are things that the crybabies would hate. Blizzard ruined their own game by attempting to appease the moans and groans of all the wrong people. Having to leave the new zone to do a daily in Goldshire or something would have little whiny bitches crying day and night until Blizzard slathered it in easysauce. Probably giving them an instant portal.

  8. 5:25 Absolute Bullshit! It was amazing and the last thing that was good in WOW! From there on it went all downhill, after it already went down a Lot!
    Because wod was okaish, but Cata and Pandaria were catastrophical bad, to this day the 2 worst WOW Add Ons! WOD couldnt save it and Legion, BfA, SL and DF will for sure not…pay to win garbage…

  9. well i buyed the bfa and deleted afther i see i dont need to go nowhere coz the map lvl up with me…….. no adventure no nothing. stay in pace and no risk, just lvl up in youre fraction piece full place…. yea i deleted the game coz of this and coz of gnomes stil in game

  10. The leveling is boring, as it's in all mmos. However I got used to it, and the fact that it's brain dead is relaxing, since I can turn off my brain after work and have fun in the game. And even though it's boring, the questing in wow is still better than FFXIV for example which drags on forever, especially with all the dialogue.

  11. Wow, compare to the starting experience with TBC (which is when I started playing!), this is ok! I'd rather see the removal of Mythic-Dungeons (seriously: Heroic is/was already content re-use, but ok to gear up for raiding? Accepted! But now? Now many guilds don't even take you if you don't have mythic-gear! Hell, Gearscore, which was once called a blight and a problem, then the first gearscore-addons were made for the game, is not official! Damned, why? I've seen green/blue people DPS and heal in Raids (and sometimes even as tanks!) and it worked! Why do we have to hunt even more gear now before we can raid?)

  12. So Chris Metzen came back and the Microsoft deal fell through since this video had been released..

    Some great ideas for the dev team to be working on! I'd love to play a troll witch doctor!


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