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Outlaw Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
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Sub Rogue 9.1 PvE Shadowlands Guide:
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I feel bad for Ret Paladins, they can slap, they do great boss damage in their CDs when done right. Healing hands takes lay on hands down to like a 3 minute cooldown w/ unbreakable spirit. Freedom, BoP, Sac, bubble, shield of vengeance, hoj and blinding light. They are better than they get credit for.
Is this an obligation that paladins are always op in SL, I got bored to see them in every single “best specs for sth sth sth”
I feels from gameplay that Prot warrior Tier Set is still not that good, they don't bring Thunder Clap 1 button machine from Bfa, like Guardian druid get Thrash machine in Sl. Doesn't look great compared to Brewmaster Vengh DH Blood maybe prot Paladyn set
Number of Improvement for Havoc DH. -1 make less builds good
Dal, you did Shadow Priest dirty. The Talbadar leggo might be great for single Target but in reality the M+ potential of a necrolord shadow with it's cov legendary +mindbender legendary will be insane. Extra mind blasts extend mind bender, cause him to aoe splash and stack Necro mage. All on a one min cool down.
Prot warrior tier set is a massive noob trap on the ignore pain portion the ability already is extremely niche in actual use and for the rage cost is usually a net loss compared to spending the rage on doing damage to kill the mobs faster, compared to other tanks mitigation your spending a huge amount of resources for whats effectively a small shield that will slightly help with magic damage. Another core issue is that spending the rage on ignore pain basically does nothing but hurt your rage generation in the future as it doesn't have a chance to reset shield slam. ide honestly like to see blizzard entirely remove that portion of the tier set and shift the power even more heavily into the dr during avatar.
i still hope for a fire mage rebalance of legos, DC and SKB are the wierdest legos to play with, 0 fun, extremely clunky to use :/ i hope for a firestorm buff or a FI buff.
Give all shams wind fury totem, make wow fun again blizzard.
9.2 is going to be worse then 8.3 broken covenant abilities,broken class balance,2 legendaries and tier sets….its the most borrowed power expansion ever…..its going to be a crap show.
im waiting for 10.0 pre patch im not playing that crap show of a 9.2 patch.