THEY ARE EVERYWHERE…! | WoW Shadowlands Arena | Nahj

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18 thoughts on “THEY ARE EVERYWHERE…! | WoW Shadowlands Arena | Nahj”

  1. I don't actually understand this clown show… Everyone is crying about WW, warriors and other useless specs without any utility compared to rogue/mages*. Can we have at least 5 next expantions with rogue/mages being *ABSOLUTELY uplayable? Remove all the stuns, saps, blinds and make them do mediocre damage… Make them play like any other class in the game for the first time ever!!!
    And wtf is this crap? They just dominate the poor monk and cry about him being OP? Have some decency…
    I realy understand that Nahj is good at this game. Very good… But I dont see anything broken about the monk playing defensive all the game and die just because blizzard decided that rogue/mage must dominate arenas for 16 years straight…


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