They Are FINALLY Announcing This at Warcraft Direct

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00:00 – Special Announcement
00:13 – What’s Coming & Why
01:36 – 11.1.0 & 11.0.7
02:00 – WoW: Dark Realm & Game Modes
02:52 – Warcraft 3: Reforged 2.0 & Warcraft 2: Remastered
04:43 – Confirmed Classic Announcements
05:23 – TBC/Wrath Progression and Classic/Hardcore Fresh
08:06 – WoW: Midnight
08:26 – Classic Plus

#ClassicPlus #WarcraftDirect #classicwow #worldofwarcraft


26 thoughts on “They Are FINALLY Announcing This at Warcraft Direct”

  1. But china did not have classic or harcore server, this doesnt mean eu and na gonna get fresh, they got already lot of servers

    What i do believe is that they should create a server harcore just self found, getting rid of gold sellers and focusing on players working together to progress

  2. Hello guys. There is no way that anything is getting released in the next 6 months. Nobody releases anything before summer. It's always after Summer ! How do I know? They make less money by releasing something between January and August. People are too busy to be starting a fresh server during spring/summer 🙂


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