They Keep Breaking ERA! MORE Changes Have Arrived . . World of Warcraft Classic

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NEW CHANGES! World of Warcraft Fresh Servers .. Classic Fresh World of WarCraft

World of Warcraft Classic – FRESH ERA SERVERS

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17 thoughts on “They Keep Breaking ERA! MORE Changes Have Arrived . . World of Warcraft Classic”

  1. This will be Fifth classic experience,
    first and 2005,
    Second 2019,
    Third, first time around with servers hard-core,
    Fourth then season of discovery.
    Now 2024 another classic being the fifth followed by another hard-core being the sixth?
    Honestly, I don’t see much in doing something six times over that takes a large portion of your life. To me this sounds like keeping you on the wheel so they can go work on retail. I think the only classic that may have some potential would be season of discovery. And I know I’m not the only one that feels like that.

  2. what i don't get is why they won't slightly tweak the weaker specs so they can be viable as well? no need to make it tbc pre patch. surely they can just increase some % here and there..


  4. this Classic rererelease should come with the modern graphic's we had enough releases with the old graphic's, we need fresh blood new ppl to keep the whole thing running, new graphics are more appealing to a larger audience, SOD should get another shot the same way

  5. Tbh these are great quality of life. the buff/debuff limit was due to the computers of the time and it made classes not get to raid or if they did gimped them. hunters cant serpent sting, shadow priests no pain no mindflay etc. locks cant agony or corruption at all, rdruids doing 0 healing bc everyone has macros to auto cancel hots from them so their world buffs don't get pushed off. the instant mail thing wont break gameplay, the debuff/buff caps will fix a lot of issues with certain classes trying to raid and duel spec is just qol. sure u may have 2 specs for raid but when it was 2019 and I was shelling out 200 gold a week on respecs it didn't feel great. (50 to swap to raid spec tuesday, 50 after for PVP spec to honor grind until Thursday night respec again Thursday for raid, respec again to pvp after to honor farm till Tuesday)

  6. insta mail on same acc and dual spec is just amazing and great QoL. As a warrior, sure the I can dps with a fury/prot spec. But I would prefer to actually have a legit fury spec on some bosses were 2 tanks isn't needed. We ALL know that classic raids are easy mechanically. To remove debuff limit will make the bosses die a bit quicker and won't actaully change the difcullty at all.


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