This Addon will change the way you see WoW forever… Literally

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Actioncam Plus is a World of Warcraft camera addon I cannot recommend enough, especially if you play a short race like me. Dynamic Cam is a great alterative as well if you are looking for more advanced customization! I am not an affiliate in any regard.

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42 thoughts on “This Addon will change the way you see WoW forever… Literally”

  1. Ppl who play like this are the ones that fail the easiest m+ mechanics and blame the healer for not saving them. Or the ones that overextend in pvp and los their healer, cuz of 0 awareness for positions. Fr.: this is maybe a cool feature for the eyes in open world, but has no practicality in any combat environment.

  2. Hey, I know this video is kinda old now, but have you ever considered adding some side-by-side comparisons. It actually took almost a full minute before i even knew what this video was addressing. I had to go back and watch the first few seconds multiple times to spot the difference. Once i understood the point of the video and was able to watch it i had to do the same thing multiple times through the video to actually view the before and afters.

    For what it is worth, good video, just could have been more user friendly πŸ™‚

  3. heh it's so funny this is needed, in FFXIV you can control your camera pitch at anytime with hotkeys (even on controller), I guess when your game doesn't have an anti-addon stance the devs actually stop being lazy and add basic features.

  4. maybe cool for immersion or RP but not for pvp or hight pve, nobody play pvp with this zoomed camera.

    You need to see you char in the middle off your screen to look every where

    but this is cool for immersion πŸ˜‰

  5. I don't know. I use my camera as a pair of eyes. I use it to look around to spot what I can death grip, spot what is coming like fire AOE, spot what can be stunned, silenced, rooted, polymorphed or healed in a pinch. I do that all with the default camera so camera angle doesn't matter to me because I change it too much.

  6. Maybe its cause i play a tauren but my character not being centered so to speak is horrible, i hate games that do the low camera thing this addon does.
    And action cam is even worse, i can only do action cam for shooters its just horrible otherwise.

  7. THIS is what I felt was missing in WOW. Always felt the camera was off in vanilla.
    Also found a great addon called ''Krowi's Achievement filter''. Great if you want to get certain or all achievements.
    Another I found great was ''Bagnon'', you see all your inventory, bank, vault at once.

    Searching for an addon atm which would insta-sell all junk I have.


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