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Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvE BFA Guide:
Outlaw Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Assassination Rogue 8.3 PvP BFA Guide:
Wait so frost uses 2 handers in shadowlands? Wtf and how many legendaries can we equip at once
How many legendaries are we gonna be able to equip at the same time ?
Me recently: I'm switching from DK to DH for Shadowlands, I want mobility
Me now: screw mobility, DK for life
You gonna do rogue legendaries?
The hfc 4 pc set bonus unholy LEGO is super good. I might need to break out my old dk to main in SL
Control undead is stupid for UH at the moment. The one spec oriented in controling undead has the least efficiency with a spell called "Control Undead".
Vulpera DK.. .ew
Just like Blizzard to take stuff away from classes, stuff we already had in Legion and/or BFA through Artifact weapons/Azerite gear etc and re-package it in a new xpac as something "NEW AND EXCITING!!!!". Blizzard have been playing shell game for years now and we keep letting them get away with it. Where is any actual innovation and originality?
That Blood chest piece is gonna be great as like a Rallying Cry that up and ready every 1.5 mins. Maybe it can work in concert with Rallying Cry as well, just give everyone in the party and extra 25% health for a brief time. Will be nice when the group is faced with an enemy ability that deals raid-wide dmg.
If would use my Blood DK in PvP get the flag, self heal lot.
here we go again Raid 10 man sorry no man 10 blood dk
Just got a PC, gonna finally play WoW on my own set up. Definitely excited for Death Knight and cosmetic things
Holy hell….. obliterate is back!!!!…
5:47 is that two handed frost dk!?
Blood boil with that neck…. All 3 dots on all targets instantly? Good luck with grabbing aggro 😀
Let’s be real the frost class fantasy has always been an icy plate covered tank of an undead warrior smashing and cleaning things with a giant two hander, sorry if you like quick little attacks with one handers but frankly to me it feels like a neutered class identity and class fantasy.
Yo guys, I was wondering… What do you think will be better unholy or frost in SL. 🙂
seen the new talent trees from cata and im out…. loved to play wow, now i hate it!
how many legionaries can we have on since i hella want to walk around in full plate maw armor
The Exploding Zombie looks super cool, but I think the 20% damage one looks too good to pass up… But I’ll still go Exploding zombies