This is the WORST Class to Play in Warcraft The War Within

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This is the WORST Class to Play in Warcraft The War Within #worldofwarcraft #warcraft #mmorpg #warwithin #mmo #twitchclips #gamer #gaming


24 thoughts on “This is the WORST Class to Play in Warcraft The War Within”

  1. True, Sometimes I let myself play the meta but then I stop playing wow because I get bored. The best experience in the game is when I'm playing what I enjoy, That's also the time when I climb more in M+ and do more raids

  2. I guess my biggest issue as a new player to wow would be, that I don't know what I would like to play, what classes would really even fit me as a person.

    I haven't ever really been given the opportunity to choose what I play in a mmo/most games I've played with other people/friend groups.

    Now that I've finally left that friend group… im lost as to what to do, I dont know what I like in games, and I'm unsure how to really play wow, as I've only ever played it a bit in classic and vanilla private servers, and the one time I played retail back in legion, I had no idea what I was doing.

    So any help would be appreciated 😅

  3. he’ll yeah, I am 35yo new player; started few months ago. Best class I like is protection paladin 🙂 although I do not understand ANY content after lvl 70 and ilvl 460 – no friends at all ingame 🙁

  4. the game is not balanced in a way that you can play what you want anymore. Aug Evoker causes so many problems for players its not even funny. only like 3 specs scale with them so if youre not a mage, priest or evoker, enjoy just being a "lesser"

  5. I've returned recently and power levelled a UDK, ele shaman, fire mage, and a fury warrior to max level through the dalaran event ( horde) I used to main a warrior back in WoD and a little bit of Legion, I wanted to focus on the DK but playing warrior again got me hooked, warrior will always have my heart🩵

  6. That's a very good point. I was expecting some dumb response that most people give. You're right. People should play who they have the most fun with. I played priest for year's not because he was fun but because I was good at healing with him and I was able to get high ranked easier but now playing a warrior having more fun then I've ever had before

  7. i’m gonna be honest, you can play whatever you want but….

    then you wanna play in raids, mythics or even pvp and your class is underpowered, or underperforming and no one takes you anywhere. so then that’s why everyone is crying about that. It’s not only about being meta but about being able to play the damn game you pay to play.


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