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Don’t forget to like the video if you liked it and subscribe to be notified when I upload again. I always try to upload entertaining and high quality Rogue PvP from retail and classic wow.
Yes, I logged on every rogue I have and checked the /played. I am so sad.
Amazing gameplay, games great but mechanics are boring. Pvp is fun except you realize everyone just is a sheep in the hands of a rogue. Just playing their way but in the end they all die.
thats just…. sad
That is insane i am glad i quit playing wow in 2010
Shaman and Rogue das as …
the only way you think this is insane is if you don't realize how awful that shaman was
IAM lost where is the rogue he was fighting in the start
Fuckin casual.
At this point we need government enforced “touching grass” bro u look dead inside
Fire totem doesnt exist anymore ?
We are Rogue soul mates! Nice Video! My Rogue got 14000+ hrs, but i stopped playing in 2011 already 😝 PS: Guess i would be at around 30000+ hrs by now. Luckily we will never know for sure!
This looks like old WoW from 2007. Does WoW PvP in 2022-2023 look like this too?
I don’t know whether to be impressed or saddened that you spent that amount of time of your life invested in a game. You know there is a real world out there too, right?
And then the fucking shaman triple crits an 8k windfury for maximum balance and fun. Theres a reason that shit got binned.
Pshero's like Saitama. He's too strong for any fight to excite him
My God this was amazing.
That pre sap sap tho.
timers..adons.. you need timers and adons after 24000 hours ? i guess thats how lower skilled players play
Shaman should of place a Searing totem while fighting around the pillar smh
Alliance Pshero hits differenlty!
they're both newbs. just look at 0:07 this vanish after garrote. so cringe. and then another one after ambush. so new this rogue is. and this cringe shammy hu not using flametongue totem. so so newbs.
you literally played your charakter 20k hours more than i did mine O.O
Boring af
24k hours spams sap macro like a human, not pig apm 1:18 and wtf is this
Where'd his teammate go?
Mixture of skill and luck. You dont have to be leagues above the enemy team to win. Just a split second faster. That being said. You were leages above this other dude.
Bro where other rogue did he go just coward to fight
24000 hours wasted lol, holy shit that was uninteresting
Thank God I never played this sh1t. If this is pvp and game mechanics…useless game.
24k hours but lost makgora… sad
This is what a parry and resist at 70 hp looks like
You read the title and think omg what a ridiculous number.. that is bs af… and then you look at author and you start to question yourself xd
0:06 big brain (not) move to waste one vanish by the other rogue.
One Neilyo crying while watching how you play 🤣🤣
Outplayed by not having vanish cheap macro, then trinket to kidney a rogue frontal so he dodges your kidney, I think you need another 24000 hours
classic is so slow and boring