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Carl gives in to his friends Venruki and Cdew to try and push glad on TBC on the final day of the season!
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#burningcrusade #absterge #wowarena
Perfect comp in Shadowlands
This ret is not like
no glad? sadge
more like best comp :DD
Not a pvp player but still loving the vids man
Honestly, this video perfectly sums up the toxicity of the pvp community lol. People lose a game, and out of pure spite, in a video game, they ruin or try to ruin another group's accomplishment(s). It's actually pathetic lol
I ve tought the worst comp was the comp i was playing. Rsham, marksman hunt and fire mage.
U technically got it
As a vanilla player back in the day, i love retail still. Heavy slayin, just wish they stopped adding mogs and shit to the store, I do kind of like the 6month sub bonus though but now there cheapin out on that even!
Shadowlands is a steaming pile of mobile game pay to win. It wishes it was half of what TBC is
TBC fun to play but shit to watch.
I hear what you’re saying. I think it depends on what class you’re playing. some DPS classes had access to their off spec abilities and that created a higher lvl of gameplay. But you also have to consider batching and faster computers running an old game that use to play on slow monitors. That def changes how TBC was originally to how it is now. That being said. I still never had as much fun playing a DPS class in PVP retail as I had in TBC. This is why I went healer in retail. Healing in TBC was rough but healing in retail is much more forgiving.
gets kicked “juked call”
God tier resto druids kicking the only cast you are able to get off in the entire game is super tilting to watch.
and the last game didnt count ouch
Would love a playlist of the whole vid. 😀