This Session Reminded of Shadowlands… | Aeghis WoW Arena

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sry for the weird edit around 3:18, he died on that go
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5 thoughts on “This Session Reminded of Shadowlands… | Aeghis WoW Arena”

  1. I'm so upset about cc changes, I have spent so much time trying to learn this game that I am not sure I can handle this change! I feel like we are being punished for spending time to learn! Why not instead of nerfing CC across the board they put a BOT ARENA mode similar to solo shuffle, they could add keys like mythics so as people get higher keys they unlock harder opponents that take a lot more CC to get a kill? I feel like this would be a great addition to the game? Imagine how many PVE players would play it if it was setup right. Players could get all the fundamentals of WOW before ever stepping into a game!!!!! Why can't we try something along those lines??? I know for a fact I would use it and enjoy it, and zero chance I would only play that. No ones online I would play that or when trying to learn !! So many benfits, pluys all the PVE players that would end up playing and enjoying arena if they had a mode like that where they can learn before entering

  2. Weird that every rog/mage player says that r/m is bad and cc doesn't matter, yet r/m is dominating ladder, shuffle and tournaments as every season 🤔


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