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#warcraft #shadowlands
Might have to put on the big boi pants and actually tank mythics this week seeing how easy its supposed to be
Well what to expect in week 21? Ofc the same things as week 20, 19, 18 and so on. No new patch. Nothing new. Just some boring stuff.
Ptr 9.1 this week?
dead game ;____;
Hope i get to ilvl 220 this week, i need to farm thorgast mount, besides that nothing to do
The same reputation that's being made obsolete in 9.1 is going to be account wide …. Lmao!!
It's like they've done nothing at all!!😂😂
I think that lvl 58 boost for BC is fucking R-tarded. Off topic but I had to get it out somewhere.
My account expires today, not resubbing. I’ll be playing FF14 while blizzard decides if they want to fix WoW or not.
Can we petition to have Leperstore WIPED from the ad roster?
i dont get how wow youtube content creators have anything to do because theres fuck all new going on in wow the state of the game is a joke i cba hardly playing lol
"spiteful" , you mean sanguine , dont you ? ^^
What to expect.. Nothing quit the game…
Thanks for the vid Breezy. 🙂
Classic Khadgar >>>>>> modern Khadgar