This YEAR Will Be HUGE For Classic | World of Warcraft

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20 years, 13 classes and who knows how many major content patches have seen each of World of Warcraft’s classes at their peaks during one point or another.
But when was each class really at their best overall? Today i’m going to talk about one of the strongest states of each class throughout World of Wacraft’s long history.
This is The Most BROKEN State Of EVERY Class | World of Warcraft

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21 thoughts on “This YEAR Will Be HUGE For Classic | World of Warcraft”

  1. There just aren't enough players. I have exclusively been playing era for a little over a year, and I love everything about it. The only issue I have are the twink only pvp brackets/lack of players in every other bracket including lvl 60 except on PVP weekends. SoD ruined classic IMO.

  2. Would be great to see a new wow fresh, but with some small improvements.
    BLizzard should take a look and hire those guys from wowturtle… New GFX and new content in Classic, looks amazing

  3. Sorry but i dont see any proof of how this year definitely is going to be "huge" for classic. A lot of speculation and wishful thinking of you here WillE, but nothing else.

    Fresh Hardcore servers might happen, but what benefit would it have beside being "fresh", what makes basically no difference for SSF or people playing by their own rules.
    It only splits the kinda small Hardcore community even more.

  4. I would love to see a TBC era server opened. No time gating, no fluff, it's fully open and unlocked and left alone like era servers.

    Blizzard could bank on this a bit more, offering paid character cloning from era and as a bonus, HC mode for TBC also.

  5. i dont want to play classic anymore i want someting new. that is not retail. i want fixxed classes , i want upbeat engine, set in classic. it seems that turtle wow knows better than blizzard.

  6. If blizzard show us something, that is they like to keep players ocupied. I can see next seasonal server or maybe continuetion from SoD. Classic have been not only original game. Classic is the all 3 version that we have. Vanilla,TBC,Wrath. I can see SoD style in a seasonal 3 version fresh server.

  7. I'd play TBC again. Or at least the pre-patch I don't care much for any of the Outland stuff but I regret not levelling a blood elf paladin and seeing their class mount quest when classic was around.


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