thoughts? #worlfofwarcraft #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #meme

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17 thoughts on “thoughts? #worlfofwarcraft #warcraft #worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #meme”

  1. Actually, I wish we had DF for another year. I’m not done with it. It has been such an amazing experience. Best expansion in many years and the best one ever in terms of its systems and progression mechanics.

  2. I really hope tww brings some level of joy to wow players. I cannot stand retail anymore. I dont feel any sense of accomplishment in the game… not even cutting edge is worth it because the raids are over inflated to deal with mandatory addon bloat. It's truly a sad experience imo…

  3. This is the time when I take a max level character and run old raids and dungeons hunting for mounts and transmogs. The loot changes with War Within are gonna be so sweet, no more running old content on 8 different pcs to get the items.

  4. Thats why I play remix.
    Season 4 kind of neat with this renewed raid system.
    But bruh this pony adventure lore is kind of upseting.. I mean Fyrakk was the best thing in this expansion.


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