Tier Set Election Chaos, Follower Dungeon Update, 10.2.5 Next Week! Warcraft Weekly

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Season 4 of Dragonflight will have tier sets but in a twist, Blizzard is holding a vote for both the cosmetic set as well as the tier set bonus! This will go over really well!
Also next week 10.2.5 launches, here’s a quick overview with more details to come next week!

US Vote https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/choose-your-own-gear-in-dragonflight-season-4/1760899/1
EU Vote https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/choose-your-own-gear-in-dragonflight-season-4/488975/1

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830AM Tuesday through Thursday

World of Warcraft and World of Warcraft: Dragonflight is developed by Blizzard Entertainment. Check them out or sign up to play for FREE up to level 20!

0:00 Intro
0:29 10.2.5, what to expect
2:48 Follower dungeons update
4:55 Player voting = chaos
9:52 Professions, easy to max?

#warcraft #dragonflight


26 thoughts on “Tier Set Election Chaos, Follower Dungeon Update, 10.2.5 Next Week! Warcraft Weekly”

  1. I just really hate how Blizz plays towards the PVE aspect WAY more than the PVP aspect of the game. I mean I get it cause it's a lore-based game, but not everybody can stomach doing the SAME EXACT THING OVER AND OVER. Sure we PVP players do nothing but queue rated all day, but at least you never know what you're gonna get, with PVE it's learn the mechanics perfectly then fly through all xpack.

  2. Transmogs, i could care less about….
    I randomly voted for what season on all specs and classes.
    Professions is stupid, any game is defined by the ability to keep new players and dragonflight has ZERO new players cause of things like professions. It is like showing up to a race that is over and wanting to compete in it.

  3. 9:05 "why can they just let us choose…"
    1) We can already choose to equip those visuals, but not the powers. Would that mean making 6 new colors of every old tier (18 new recolors) just for season 4?
    2) The whole point of reusing existing stuff is to make it a low development effort, so they can focus on the next thing. I imagine making everything available at the same time means a LOT more work. It would be a new feature as big as the Catalyst.

    It is a cool idea though, the choosing your own tier powers could repurpose shadowlands lego mechanic, you farm the power, then apply it to a piece.

  4. Looking forward to your insight into profession. I have maxed skills and knowledge in 6 craft ones but wouldn't mind to add the other 2 as i have never really dwelt into those. So, why not if there is enough time? On my realms, making gold out of your professions at this point in the game is a pipe dream, not worth the time and gold to sink in. However it was fun even if the system needs a revamp to eliminate RNG rank and public work orders allowing tips that do not even remotely cover mats. Thanks to you, I ended up voting on the tier sets as well. My choices might not be popular but at least I cast a vote.

  5. The follower dungeon should really start earlier on in a player's toon life cycle. Meaning i have never played a healer. Lets say i want to make one and learn to heal a group of players. What point is it in doing/learning how to be a healer at level 60? This is also true on how to be a tank and to hold agro. This is a fantastic first step but i really wish they would do this sooner instead of so high a level. This is also cool for missing items from these dungeons for a transmog completionist like myself.

  6. forced voting popups for me would be account closed, goodbye. Second a game crosses the line into Nagware, makes me mad as hell. I personally think they should give tokens, and let us pick the tier appearance we want. This system is just fascism where a vocal minority picks what they want, as always, and people who just want to go do their own thing get ignored. Again. I personally have refused to vote, because this system sucks, and I'm not going to encourage it. I know they said they love your channel, so maybe they'll hear the input about letting us pick. As in us personally, NOT letting a swarm of reddit trolls cheese in whatever vote they want.

  7. There was something satisfying going through all the links to the DF Season raid tier unlocks to see the season 1 and 2 sets again and going between all 3 made me really appreciate the variety was diverse, appropriate for their part int eh story, and overall pretty cool. Why Warriors helms always gotta look like a thumb tho?

  8. I've only tried alchemy and engineering so far. Love all the engineering-only perks, but all consumables for both are WAY more expensive to manufacture yourself than to just buy from the AH. Is this the case for most items?


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