Time-Lost Proto-Drake in WOW Shadowlands 9.1: LIVE REACTION

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I need a new set of underwear. Mainly because i haven’t showered while I was camping this.


30 thoughts on “Time-Lost Proto-Drake in WOW Shadowlands 9.1: LIVE REACTION”

  1. Don't get me started on this damn mount. I camped this thing for months and never ever saw it. Then a couple of years ago I was heading to Ulduar to farm Mimiron's Head. Stopped just south of the flightpath there and went to my kitchen for a drink. Came back and it was lying dead on the ground beneath me. Was literally away 30 seconds

  2. Gg man ! I farmed it at wotlk, when it just cames out. 6 months straight. Left my GF and guildies for it.

    You know what ? It was worth it, aaaaa lot.

  3. I remember a guildie getting this thing when Wotlk was released. He was trying for sever first 80 and managed to be the first person in the zone and it was there. At the time he or noones else knew what he had. Then we grouped up and he got on the mount and we all said where did you find that? I looked it up and told him how rare it was. Crazy.

  4. I spent 6 months in retail wotlk searching almost every day on my one character. The very last day of wotlk as I was logging out, it spawned and I had to race back to log in and I got it! I had lost it 2 previous times to epic pvp battles. It was a very intense moment when I got it, I'll never forget it, that was my first super rare mount.

  5. every weekend for about 3 years,never got it,only ever spawned for me once but while I was on the flight path,by the time I got back to where it spawned it was already dead. The sort of thing that makes you want to blow your brains out.

  6. Man they changed how this mob works You have to be the first to grab it You got so lucky!!!! Because he is impossible to not loot now anywhere u kill, You must be on a really low population server too. Congrats


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