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This week’s show looks back at the Shadowlands expansion and all of the systems, raids, dungeons, and decisions that came with it.
Trivia Video:
Here’s a link to the reddit post from Dratnos’ tip of the week:
And here’s Fronk’s Shadowlands Rewind:
0:00 Intro
7:56 S1+S2 Retrospective
51:03 Tip of the Week
53:50 S3+S4 Retrospective
1:15:10 Patreon Thanks
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Music: Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod
So proud of tettles for coming out of the closet during shadowlands
From a casual mythic group perspective those heroic weeks actually being hard were super fun
Another thing about choosing a covenant, it wasn't just picking the best for your spec, but if you played multiple specs you had to compromise between all specs and end game content
"If that sounds awful that's because it was!" – SL summed up..
i was a torghast enjoyer
The console commands in the Tip of the Week fixed some serious stuttering I was experiencing. If you're having trouble with graphics run…
/console GxAllowCachelessShaderMode 0
/console gxRestart
Flap your arms, like a Dragon, this expansion in the intro.
did he just try to casually come out of closet O.o
I remember shards… barely.. I played 3 weeks of it and didnt receive any pieces so i quit til the next season
Overall, the start of this expansion is the worst wow has been since I started playing towards the end of WoD. It got better, but it left me really bitter.
I completely forgot how TERRIBLE Shadowlands was on launch. AoE cap? Paper tanks? Locked in Covenants and Conduit Power? Soooooo much garbage.
About Legendary Power sfrom Nathria.
It is interesting to see on Reddit how people complain that old raids become obsolete so fast and no one wants to go there.
Blizzard put in the Memories in Nathria and if players wanted those powers they had to go there to get them, yet no one wanted to do it..
Lesson learned, never have old content be relevant in any way since players will complain.
Straightforwardly, Tettle’s final point is the most important one: patch cadence. As the saying goes, sometimes quantity IS quality
dratnos' despair in his eyes as he once more fails to even sound remotely australian and somehow more and more like a mumbling man walking out of edinbru is the best storyline of shadowlands yet
Looking back on this I think 9.1 With Shards of Dom and Korthia might be the worst patch ever made.
11:00 I played kyrian boomkin in 9.0 because I liked the little owl friends
I mean, Night Fae had more mobility. It wasn't a balance thing, most people played the better mobile covenant. And to boot at that.. if you tried PvP without Night Fae you were dead. There was no Necrolord, no Venthyr, no Kyrian in PvP. You were Nightfae or melee hard stomped you in 2 hits because you couldn't get away from them. Also for Affliction, they literally nerfed Necrolord just before 9.0 launched. It used to be Decimating Bolt gave you 3 Drain Souls. Once it get nerfed you only had the 1 single Drain Soul, and so people got mad at them for that, too, and then NF stood out. If it stayed at 3 Drain Souls I think a decent number would have stayed or went Necrolord. 3 Drain Soul booster NL vs NF I think woulda been an even split of 50/50, probably, unless you were PvPing then it was just NF all the way.
you guys are great! 🙂 Its like sitting down for a chin wag with of your mates 😀 Good stuff
Personally I think SL wasn't that bad there are just a few things that stand out as bad decisions/systems. The bad systems in my mind were conduit energy, shards of domination, and covenant specific buffs in dungeons. I think the worst part of covenants not being switchable was the buffs in dungeons. Other than that I know for any system even talents there isn't going to be much choice, its going to be all about power for me. I enjoyed soulbinds/conduits other than the energy, the maw/Korthia/Zereth Mortis were fine as long as you didn't force yourself to spend 5 hours grinding them every day. I also think they need to stop introducing mega-dungeons and not making them M+ dungeons right away, the mega-dungeon is completely pointless after the first week after you complete the hard mode.
Shards are by far the worst system ever created in WoW. I still can't believe they ever existed.
Thank you for being my Friday/Saturday morning podcast for months now! I listen to you guys every time I clean up the apartment for the week! Looking forward to more podcasts with Dragonflight!
Never realized that Tettles got a damn dump truck on him boi 🤨 46:46
I like how Bert completely upstaged Tettles
Hey! A Shadowlands retrospective was totally my suggestion! Thanks for taking fan feedback and keep up the great work!
My hype for DF crashed and burned with the ZERO FUCKING TUNING for Rshaman. It's absolute fucking garbage right now. Like 20% behind the next healer. Wtf are the devs doing.
The Great Vault should really allow you to save an item to next week and allow you to pick a slot you want an item for.
On my warrior my covernant ability doesn’t appear in m+ in Kara. Other classes were working, but kyrian fury nope
Shadowlands was the worst expansion of all time
aint gonna lie i went NF on my lock for the sole reason that I would get to use soul shape cus man do warlocks move slow af if you dont have burning rush
Tettles Dahmer