Titanforge Podcast 67 – BFA in Review, plus some Shadowlands System Balancing

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This expansion had its ups and downs – relive them with us! We also discuss some of the newest trends in the balancing of Covenants, Conduits, Soulbinds, and Legendaries on the Shadowlands beta.

0:00 Introduction
5:30 Shadowlands Conduits/Covenants Balancing
20:55 Shadowlands Legendary Balancing
32:13 Tip of the Week
42:03 Main Topic: BFA Expansion in Review
1:46:55 Patreon Thanks
1:49:38 Q&A

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Music: Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under the Creative Commons 3.0: By Attribution license.


41 thoughts on “Titanforge Podcast 67 – BFA in Review, plus some Shadowlands System Balancing”

  1. for me, making the covenant abilities doing 1000% wouldnt make the more fun for me but making instead making them visually cool changing up my gameplay and even utility aspects. but i agree that even with all that cool stuff it wouldnt be a full as impactful if it was less than 5% of your damage

  2. Everyone is complaining about Overwolf CurseFroge being intrusive yet close alpha only started during the week. Has there been any videos released? Also there was no C&D sent to wowup apparently. They were still talking about it.

  3. TSM premium only offers additional features for their desktop app afaik. The actual in-game addon portion should be the same for all users. Love the show and commentary! Looking forward to shadowlands podcasts!

  4. 3 gamers reflect on bfa. Where they struggle to remember there's 12 bosses in the last raid that they've been doing for 9 months and sockets are 50 stats and not 40. Very memorable expansion apparently

  5. Is anyone else super confused that Dratnos' shirt is world first mirriored but Trell's shirt is Peak of Serenity and you can read it normally? I find this very unsettling and I just assume I'm missing something obvious.

  6. Call me when Blizzard starts prioritizing player experience and over saving face. These bullshit systems that are put in place that only serve to limit how often I use the gear I earn? Azerite reforging, Conduit changes. Not investing hours of game time all for them to implement next "GCD change" and make the game feel like dog shit for all in the name of player choice. Tired of the PVP effecting PVE. Either devs are unable to design for gamers or theres just no resources being allocated to this game for them to make it that way. Either or Im not doing BFA 8.4 #unsub

    EDIT: I think your right on. Spend untold resources trying to work your way around a wall you put there when you could just… take down the wall. Its just a poor ass effort at saving face that comes at the expense of the player

  7. Shadowlands Banner: ….. Are you able to have fun playing a sub-optimal player? … Fk an expansion that even asks that question. Why should I have to be asked that question? Why does Blizzard have such a hard on for restricting optimization? If were at a point where its too much…. why is the system in the expansion? WHO is asking for "meaningful choices"? I feel like what was asked in the initial Shadowlands board meeting was… how can we get players to hard commit to multiple toons of the same class and doubling their log in time? Not how can we improve in player experience.

  8. Using 6.3 Survival as an example of class balance is a bit dodgy. Blizzard intentionally gutted it because they planned to remove the spec in legion. So they wanted to ensure nobody was playing it when they did.

  9. If the Covenant stuff is going to work the way it is now, the difference has to be within the 5% range. Whether that means everything gets another buff before release or not is hard to say. In the long run it's going to be the Soulbinds which make or break things anyway, unless they massively overhaul (or dumpster) some of the talents in them.

  10. Pretty easy to pay addon developers for API downloads if that's actually what they gave a shit about, but it isn't. It's pretty typical capitalist propaganda; we HAVE to make our product locked-down and shitty! There's just no way out of it! It's not about our profits, it's about the people who make our service something worth using who we throw pennies at every now and then!

    Regarding who's in the right LEGALLY, it's Overwolf, of course. Even if the laws weren't in their favor, they've got money for lawyers and most addon developers don't, so the law is on Overwolf's side by default. But who gives a shit about what's legal? We're talking about what's right.

    It's weird to me to present this as "different sides" of an issue here. The only people who stand to benefit are those that work at Overwolf. That's the sides.

  11. Still not bauight the fucking exspansion on the solo fact that i cant play DPS and Tank without having to have 2 of the same class in order for each spech not to be fucked.,

  12. a piece of advice to consider regarding audio. There is apparent discrepancy of audio levels between dratnos and tettles and its especially ear busting when tettles is talking and dratnos overtakes the conversation due to excitment or anything else. I literally find myself raising and lowering the voice depending on who is talking.

  13. I think Blizzard is trying to do something fun to make Shadowlands different by focusing on tribalism or "which Hogwarts House do you belong to and fight for?" Though the sorting hat chose, you could technically pick your house if it was your most desirable option


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