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Here’s the spreadsheet with a bunch of useful preparation information created by Medivh:
Here’s a link to the Ion interview discussed in the second half of the show:
The current plan is that there will be NO SHOW next week, then we’ll be back for the following 2 weekends, then we may miss the 2 after that. We’ll keep you posted as plans finalize.
0:00 Introduction & Show Scheduling
3:18 The First Week of Shadowlands
36:13 Tip of the Week
40:44 Discussion of The Ion Interview
1:19:28 Patreon Thanks
1:22:29 Q&A
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Music: Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod
old people discussing WoW <3
Everyone: Been
Dratnos: Bean?
is there some addon that tells me which quests are sidequests and which ones are main questline?
The azerite armor vendor can be done in 2 mins. You just have to use a macro.
Tettles raising his hand to speak is cute af lmao
Any chance you could increase the volume on these uploads?
You can tell people got hair cuts in preparation for Shadowlands!
theres no way im playing guardian and not being nightfae
Necrolord DH and DK, what a time to be alive
i like it:)
I would love a version of this show without Tettles giggling like a school girl.
I love that people are delaying legendaries around Blizzards lack of ability to tune and balance. Like maybe were all just playing the wrong fucking game. The joke is…. this tuning cycle isn't going to stop. This going to be an endless nightmare where were locked into what is forever going to be buffed and nerfed.
the whole thing about class utility… as a tank player… the issue of tank threat… theres 2 classes that solve that issue, and a whole whack of them that dont… so imo they are def still setting the meta in their own way, because some classes are still required to run keys, with no work around except have those classes
quick tip: log in and out on all your alts on launch night to begin earning rested exp.
Bear tank here and decided on Necrolord when I first saw it at blizzcon.
It's good to hear that it's a viable covenant for a tank druid and not only that but necrolord is likely to be one of the lesser played which means the buffs I can bring to dungeons will be more valued
You may want to keep warmode on for the weekly quest life in BFA, unless i understood wrong from the magic excel
WM ON for alliance, at least in Europe, with an actual 30% extra experience is going to be like… do main chain quest, and you are perfect, no side quests, no dungeons, no extra grinding. We will be 60 before even end the main chainquest almos for sure.
"Any plans to bring back Master Loot?" Bugs Bunny No
As a shaman and mage player. You can spell steal the king rests mobs and just ice block to not die. Better example is the stacking buff from second boss in Tol. Purge is better than spell steal there. Also shaman wind sear is better than counter spell. Blink is better than ghost wolf but ghost wolf dance is better than life so yeah. Also I've never ghost wolf through walls like with blink
The experience pot tip no longer works. Edit: You picked up on the tweet later in the episode!
"Yeah, from your perspective every spec was good in Ny'alotha." Just savage, Dratnos.
Will you be doing routes for m0 for the first 2 weeks?
Dratnos can shove his positional hearthstone settings up his ass. Gold making elitist!
Hard agree with Trell on the hard ass mythic 0s. Some of my favorite memories from BFA are being completely outclassed in mythic 0s with guildies just laughing at how bad things are going and praying for a good drop for someone so we can stop being #Dogshit
Way to shade all the people with normy jobs Tettles
I'm still convinced Dratnos has gigantic tattoos all over his body and it's not just chesthair.
The 3 pieces of mythic loot per boss will end up with burn-out and massive distrust and clique-forming in shittier CE guilds, leading easily to many players either quitting the game or leaving guild(s) and eventually stop raiding altogether. Unless Blizzard wants less subscribers and less online active players, they should revert the system back to 5 pieces of loot. 3 sounds great in theory and with theoretical justifications, but reality is (shittier) guilds and people in general are prone to these kinds of suspicions of others, distrust, shit-talking, and so forth, especially if you haven't raided with that guild for a very long time where close enough social bonds would have already developed so that little to no distrust arises b/c dippin would just make some loud ass joke in the mic about loot being fair etc and ppl would laugh etc. Not all guilds have a dipppin you know mr dratnows
for anyone who wants to do the azerite, use a macro. first line is /run BuyMerchantItem(3) and the second line is /use Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece
That spreadsheet has been updated, make sure to get the newest version. His newest version has the recent changes included.
Arcane going necro? News to me lol
Macro for the residuum: Just spam one button and then sell it in the end. It's actually very quick. If you haven't bought rank 4 essence, the chestpiece may be in other slot than 3, so replace it in the macro.
/run BuyMerchantItem(3)
/use Relinquished Azerite Chestpiece
Very cute that Trell thinks the devs will still be playing their game in week 12 ;p.
In the land of pathfinder the man with crusader aura wins
Aura mastery is 3min cd, raid-wide 15% damage reduction for Holy Paladins, and by default it's a 40yd range so you don't really need worry for melee range @Tettles.