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With the introduction of Valor Points and the fact that we’re now solidly into Shadowlands, we decided to revisit every major Shadowlands game system and discuss how they’re going so far.
Here is Emallson’s nifty raid progression analysis website:
0:00 Introduction
15:41 Tip of the Week
19:18 Main Topic: Shadowlands Systems
1:30:08 Patreon Thanks
1:34:28 Q&A
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Music: Take a Chance by Kevin MacLeod
You 2 make fun of us rogues a lot in this episode. I'm genuinely hurt.
I'm glad Trell is okay. Was ready to get the GoFundMe started!
I dont understand why blizz doesn't let you apply different missives to legendaries for a small soul ash fee. seems like a reasonable compromise between "ermagherd this is a legendary and you made a choice" and "oh hey you fudged up, we get it but you have to pay a little for your carelessness"
tettles is Meta'in a bit too hard
the guy who joins and is like "what! your conduit is only ilvl 213 and not 226 what the hell are you doing with your time" and actually means it.
Tip of the week: stop doing m0s. It's slower on the front end but more efficient on the back end.
Don't be a wimp, just list your key and hop in. It's legitimately fun to be 142 ilevel keying in a +5.
Like I said the gear will come slower on the front end but with all the people VP farming you can get the dungeons done easily and you get the 135 valor. And I'm saying this from alliance side, nvm the abundance of vp farmers you have on horde side.
Hey guys, awesome podcast. Just a quick update, you should revise the demon hunter "bug" article since the math shown there is quite wrong. The replies by Chlenix and morodete are more accurate, in short Demonic Wards= 15% + Viscous Ink=8% + Vers=5% + Devotion Aura=3% + Avoidance=1% = 32% which is almost exact so there is no double application happening at all.
Soul ash from diff places ? Yes , so many legendaries that may not be powerful but sounds fun which we might never see because of the hate against choreghast
Yes tell us more about how the game isn't fair to mythic raiders. Way to make the discussion relatable.
Yes, please make legendaries easier to build, so I can sell another 40 million gold worth of base items 😀
Stonelegion generals are absolutely not a hundred pulls boss now. Yes, there were nerfs, but guilds that are progressing on them right now are less skilled/organized/dedicated. It's still 200-300-500 pulls cancer of boss. I suspect many, many guilds will stop even trying and just wait for next raid.
I think they missed the mark with valor–back in pandaria it was the pseudo "raid" currency, allowing you to buy some normal raid gear (this is when heroic was the highest difficulty), and then later was used to ilevel upgrade ANY purple gear by 8, and then 16, item levels. Then you had justice points, which were used for lower level stuff.
All they would have to do is make raid gear upgradable with valor, have valor drop from more sources, and add a vendor with normal raid level gear that costs valor. Then, make the current valor system justice points instead.
I think a big part of why there is frustration with the raid loot system is that the last time we had no random upgrades to gear (titanforging, etc.) was in pandaria, where we had a vendor to get "good enough" gear, and then later a way to upgrade the raid gear. Now, we just get the loot with no bonus, so it's taking people a long time to be "good enough".
I would bet good money that covenant swapping is an important feature of the 9.2 or 9.3 patch
They need to Buff all the soulbinds they are so boring I play Pelagos Ret Pally all you get is the mastery the magic defence one is a joke bring back the Vers increase, I never change nothing on my soulbinds they are to Boring, it's a game make them Fun
I'm convinced Shadowland's systems have been intentionally designed to make things take as long as possible to inflate play time.
Why do World Quests take longer than they used to?
Why do we have to fly back and forth a ton to our covenant sanctum?
Why does the travel networks Oribos portal only go one way?
Why can't we get a Covenant Hearthstone similar to Dalaran/Garrison?
Why couldn't we mount in the Maw?
Why are most of the Covenant travel networks absolutely garbage? (Kyrian excluded)
Covenant swapping?
Renown catchup?
Soul ash?
Legendary power farming?
Low gear drop rates?
The grind for bis gear….. run 30 PFs until the trinket drops. Hooray
pro-tip: Nadja is pronounced "NAHD-ya", it's a popular russian name, fitting with the general naming theme of other venthyr characters and places
would something like loot having rng to "titanforge" from 210 to 226 in keys timed like 15s and above be a bad idea? just feels bad for ppl like myself who only push keys to get highest possible ilvl gear. dont have the luxury of being able to get 2100 either rly as a hunter solo pug player it just feels like a huge time sink and requires full on degen masochistic behavior on the group finder side of things. hardstuck at 19s trying to find groups as is in m+ via meta gaming and ive come to the realization that pvp group finder is just the same story but a different book.
Something ill never get is players who do like a weekly +10 or a weekly heroic/normal raid. Feeling like they need to grind stygia or stay super current on renown. Unless your cutting edge if you dont like it, dont do it
Can we plz talk about the game breaking bug in Spires on Devos where the god damn spear misses even if you set it up right. I've lost x4 15s to this bug… lol
I agree with Tettles that the soulbinds/conduits can be metagamed down to a best decision. I think if Blizz made swapping between conduits and soulbinds easier and gave them more powerful options the system could feel good. In my mind the convenant, soulbind, and conduit systems would feel best if we could swap between all possible unlocked options and have maximum build options.
Conduit Energy is so bad, it literally made me play the game less. I main a warrior and this is the first expansion I've dabbled into higher M dungeons (20s) as a tank, but I'm traditionally a PvP player with over 3K experience in BFA. Since the other two Soulbinds beside Pelagos are just so bad, I was forced, for weeks, to switch back and forth between Prot and Arms conduits to the point where I'd just not have the Energy.
Say I log in after work and want to do some PvP, whether for fun or for cap, or in the early weeks, to get 2.4K for 233 weapons/shields. So I go Arms conduits. Then, later at night, me and my friends are finally all online and ready with daily chores where we can go do M dungeons. Back to Prot. Next day, same thing happens.
Or I'd sometimes have opportunities to play PvP and M multiple times a day at multiple different times, but not have the Energy to do it, and therefore just not do it. And sure, you can play without Conduits, but some of them are actually impactful. 22% more Overpower damage? Yes, please, that's literally up to 20% of my damage in Arena.
Result? I have almost finished gearing a 2nd lvl60 warrior to 227, who is Venthyr, and dedicated to PvP only. My Kyrian warrior I only run dungeons on. Ridiculous system. And while we're at it, pull the freaking ripcord or at the very least significantly relax the penalty for rejoining a former Covenant, tyvm. I literally refused to raid this tier (not much of a raider but had desire early on) because I was Kyrian for PvP/Dungeons and I'd have to go Venthyr to raid DPS.
I get it. Identity and attachment and all such. But is there a point where enforcing this vision of the Dev team is no longer worth it? Like when it literally dissuades passionate WoW gamers such as me from doing content and instead AFKing/logging off?
Spec specific conduit builds i is the way please
plague deviser stealth OP for necro prot warrior. the shield is massive and ultimate form is dope
My warrior feels like a Venthyr warrior. My priest does not feel like a night far priest.
10:12 Personally I would prefer to see how many guilds were killed by SLG =D
28:59 I tried Kyrian as Druid last week (fort/grev/spite) and outside of the situationally useful phial as guardian, it felt really bad in all other specs. I have played each covenant to renown 40 and Kyrian was my last one. I highly doubt I will ever go back.
I loved BFA as a resto druid player. So f all yall
I miss warforging. I could play alts in m+ only and by the end of the season they would be totally geared. Mmorpg gearing is about investing time and work.
Nooooo! raid BoEs is the only way I make gold D: