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Channel Editors: CatDany & Daily Dose of Asmongold
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Poor guy. stuck in the past
I like ya buddy
Wow I have never seen Asmon actually get offended, That comment that said he was good 10 years ago and he responded with yea but how much money do you have cause I have a lot. Surprisingly out of form from him.
It makes me really glad to hear your reasons to dislike M+, especially the Infinite Scaling. The reason I haven't been playing is because they're applying many of those things to raids now. Bringing back old raids to the current level as "new" content makes it feel like you didn't get over that old content.
Then let the scrubs into your raids if being good doesn't matter.
its a game and someone's times, you sucking at the game is wasting someones time.
tbh, I think alot of people feel self accomplished for what they have achieved in the game and they've also spent a shit ton of time playing. When they see that the game is dead they feel as if their accomplishments are just a waste of time and they dont want to admit that to themselves.
Lmao Reddit is a liberal cesspool no one gaf .
I m sales and business executive here in europe of a multi billion californian company … 40 years old , and only got emerald in League for the first time last week … And you know what ? it's cool but not my prio at all 😀 It's just a game 😀 Even tho I m personnaly proud of getting emerald, but Staying gold was fine too …
While cheesy, it is true and real that the real World of Warcraft was actually the friends we made along the way.
There's nothing out there that you get once you clock in 20K hours in Dota, League, or WoW. Nothing. Maybe an in-game achievement, but that's it. Or you might get silly good at the game – but to what end? What happens after you've gotten good at the game? Being good at the game doesn't pay your bills unless you're part of the top <0,1% of the player base. And even then, there's nothing that'll guarantee it.
The real reward is the fun you get out of those hours. If the game's not fun anymore, stop playing. It's a video game. Maybe come back later. Try something else, don't waste your time on something that's not able to offer value for your time. No game can offer that forever, not even live service. Sooner, later, or much later – maybe decades – but eventually, you move on to different things. And that's okay, that's just life.
40 man raids, no catch up gear etc are things that are available in Classic WoW. If that's what you like then play Classic. I believe retail WoW is fine and offers people what they want in the new game. People don't want to spend weeks farming menial things in the game like gold or rep. It's pointless and mundane. Blizzard is right to move away from that. People's attention span is not the same as it once was. People view life in 2 minute tiktok clips, they don't have the attention spam to farm some rep or currency for weeks on end. This is the new age of internet. At 33 in internet terms you are a dinosaur. This is not how I feel it's just the reality of today.
If you can read this, you should probably touch grass more often 😊
Imagine only working 8 hours a day.
Edit: I have 10 gladiator titles, cutting-edge achievements, top 5 parses on most mythic raid bosses, and a couple world firsts, and I remember when I thought that was worth bragging about. Now I'm embarrassed it even happend.
A lot of wasted time on a virtual fake world.
Dude – even Bellular even stated he didn't like this whole presentation because it made him look like he was the one who said this, that it was a complete misrepresentation of his video. THAT was what upset a lot of ppl…doesn't have a thing to do with how many "likes" you have.
To which I will add, what you circled wasn't the likes, that was the views the video had received.
I absolutely love Asmongold. He destroys his haters in one simple answer: IDGAF
Asmon claiming he had to commit to be a good streamer to make money for his future and that trade off meant he became bad at games, although I agree it just sounds like such cope.
Mythic+ is dogshit
3:45 – He's the definition of "too much hybris".
Being good at WoW isnt hard, it just takes a lot of time. Nearly ruined my life being one of the "top players" in that game, glad i quit when i did
lmao. troll
caring about being good in a video game makes sense if it takes a lot of effort to be good at it and not everyone can manage it. if a game takes genuine skill to master. it will naturally evoke feelings of accomplishment and pride. and that's okay.
Like stop trying to be Charlie and wear a different shirt and cut your hair bro
mythic raiding is easy AFUFUFUFUFUFU stop it lmao
youre a strange dude in many ways but lemme tell ya, youre a wise dude beyond your years. kinda always beeen that way and thats a big reason why you got almost 2.5 mil subs…
its weird really, the way you keep everything in perspective in every subject. been following you for a bit and id say 98% of the time, you just speak the words im thinking. and thats whats so good about it
That loli/gta thing is so braindead, if you murder and drive over people in gta that does not make you a murderer or more likely to do either thing in real life, but if you like loli content/sexualised children that does make you a pedo and whether you'd do anything in real life or not is completely irrelevant, you're not getting close to anyones children regardless if they know about your predilection. Why anyone would even try to equate those two things is ridiculous. I do also get that there's some degrees of separation between drawn loli content and real loli content, but still, come on.