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The citadel of Tol Barad was built by Arathor, the first nation of humans, which makes it more than 1,200 years old. Before the First War, Tol Barad was considered a territory of Stromgarde.
During the Second War, the island was a strategic staging area for Alliance forces, from which they struck the Horde-controlled city of Dun Modr and took it back from the hands of their enemies. The orcs, viewing Tol Barad as an obstacle in their path to the Eastern Kingdoms, mounted a ferocious counterstrike on the island. Unprepared for such aggression, the Stromgarde soldiers were expelled from Tol Barad, and the citadel was razed. Most of the island’s inhabitants were slaughtered, their homes ravaged, and their remaining spirits crying out for vengeance. Despite this horrific happening, some of the original Stromic population still survived.
Following the Second War, what remained of the blackened, derelict battlements was left to languish until the wizards of Kul Tiras claimed the isle for a new purpose. Towering walls were again stacked high from the war-scarred stones. Still, in their cleverness, the arcanists turned the citadel’s defenses inward, designing a mystical prison to hold the most powerful criminals. A Stromic and Tirasian population of men formed the Baradin’s Wardens: charged with ensuring that the deadly prisoners locked away in the mystic Baradin Hold never again walk free on Azeroth. Even the Kirin Tor imprisoned some powerful demons in the repurposed stronghold.
With the Cataclysm shattering the world, Tol Barad again became a battleground between the Horde and the Alliance. Warchief Garrosh Hellscream sent the elite warriors known as the Hellscream’s Reach to the island, charged with taking it from the humans. Defending it against them were the Baradin’s Wardens, the army that originally guarded the prison. However, as the two forces fought for supremacy over the island, something sinister was taking over the prison fortress of Baradin Hold and the whole island in turn. With prison guards murdering each other or letting their charges free, insanity amongst Alliance soldiers, undead corpses rising from their graves, and spirits reliving their final battles.
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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from the YouTube bar.
Scarred, Shadows: Russell Brower
PvP: Derek Duke
Locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Tol Barad Peninsula
0:01:33 Baradin Base Camp
0:04:16 Tol Barad Peninsula
0:06:00 Hellscream’s Grasp
0:08:31 Restless Front
0:10:37 Forgotten Hill
0:14:40 Tol Barad Peninsula
0:16:23 Wellson Shipyard
0:18:56 Cape of Lost Hope
0:22:22 Rustberg Village
0:26:48 Farson Hold
0:32:12 The Darkwood
0:35:30 Tol Barad
0:37:13 Blackstone Span
0:39:46 West Spire
0:40:49 Ironclad Garrison
0:42:35 East Spire
0:44:43 Cursed Depths
0:46:49 Slagworks
0:47:37 South Spire
0:48:30 The Hole
0:50:10 Tol Barad
0:51:13 D-Block
0:53:36 Warden’s Vigil
0:54:25 Baradin Hold
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#Meisio #WorldofWarcraft #WoWCataclysm
Some of you asked for this, and here it is, "before GTA 6 being released". Apologies for the delay, I don't have too much time anymore and I'm struggling with everything. Is there some other important zone/video that I am missing from the channel and it needs to be done quickly?
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With love,
Thank you for making these videos, you're the best
Thank you so much! You are simply amazing! Your videos capture great moments and are a great refuge for times when I need to relax. ❤
This was so unexpected, never thought I'd miss doing daily quests in that area so much)
Oh yep, zone that gives you hints about Kul Tiras and other islands being somewhere out there in the seas.
Thank you for always bringing me such peace. ❤
A surprise to be sure but a welcome one! Thank you Meisio, please enjoy your week!
Thanks! I spent so much time here back in 2011-2012. Damn…
Ah, what a nice blast from the past
Even though I never played this one, it was still nostalgic owing to the classic PVP music. Thank you for the video!
Thanks for this! I remember how our small Alliance group of 3 people (2DDs and healer) initiated a massive battle in the quest part of the island. Spent 2 hours ganking Horde groups until the massive sporadic battle begins.
Sweet memories with my friends 🙂
👻 2spooky4me 👻
I have such mixed emotions about this place lol. I really like it, but it’s also the place where I first rage quit Wow. I think I just hated the major changes Hunters had during this expansion. I’m sure it got better over the years.
Thank you!
Had a lot of great times wpvping in this area
I started playing in Cataclysm. I have visisted every zone in the game, played for years, played multiple characters and I have NEVER set foot in Tol Barad!
Finally! So many memories. The first good ambience video with Tol Barad lol
Thanks Meisio for your hard work with all zones, you are the best ❤