Top 10 Moments When WoW Classes Were Truly Overpowered | World Of Warcraft

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0:00 Top 10 Moments Where Classes Were Overpowered
1:29 Vanilla Rogues
3:01 Boss Killer Paladins
4:42 Silence Warriors
5:52 Catacylsm/MoP Tanks
7:24 Kil’Jaeden Warlocks
8:23 MoP Druids
9:59 Early Brewmaster Monks
11:27 Early WoD Hunter
12:39 WoD Rogues
13:58 The Greatest Class During Early Wrath


15 thoughts on “Top 10 Moments When WoW Classes Were Truly Overpowered | World Of Warcraft”

  1. I remember old rogues and how godlike they were. Made me have such a visceral hatred for rogue and the players of rogues that I wont stop until rogue is so nerfed into the dirt it only makes up 0.5% of the player base

  2. You missed the biggest and most broken abil iv ever seen on this game. The god damn convoke boomie holy fucking hell i dont even wanna say how many times iv seen convoke boomkins wipe an entire 3s team in secounds

  3. this were some of the most overpowered times for some abilities but i wouldn't count for pvp like i remember only being half epic pvp geared back in burning crusade i dont know what buff we got or wtf happened but it was towards the end or middle of expansion and i remember being in artic valley and all the horde was coming to our last base because i got in game late and it was about 15 hordies coming i said f it ima die with honor lol i jumped off my mount pressed wings and they all start running because i was like 3 shotting everybody i took out like 4 or 5 people next time ret felt that strong was legion when we had the armsguard of awe legendary it gave us 200% on shield of vengeance and 25% absorb neck legendary i just would not die and when i was getting jumped in the wild by like 3 4 fully geared duelist geared people i would kill them all just by shield popping lmao

  4. Nothing changed much for rogues today, still faceroll still top dog, btw burst of speed was added on mop not WoD.

    Edit: As for dk, minute cd IBF that reduced 50% dmg with minute cd bone shield that reduced 40% dmg wich stacked was OP af but what did take the crown was shadow of death UH talent that made you come back as ghoul that did good damage and if that failed you could detonate for truckload of dmg and in arena if that dmg killed your opponent while you guys were last ones standing it would count as your win so yeah.

  5. Frost mages for the first 2 days of The Burning Crusade expansion. They were fantastic. Then the pvp crybabies flooded the forums and Blizzard nerfed the shit out of them, to the point that frost was broken for the rest of the expansion.


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