Top 10 Most DEGEN Moments of Classic WoW | World of Warcraft

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Classic WoW’s release in 2019 was a chance to go back to where it all started for so many of us. With Blizzard having just released their Anniversary realms we have delved back into a Fresh Azeroth for a 2nd time.
To celebrate, I wanted to look back to Blizzard’s first Classic and tell a few stories of how things were back then when far fewer changes were in the game, and people were a whole lot more sweaty.
These are The Top 10 Most DEGEN Moments of Classic WoW | World of Warcraft

Getting to Raid Tech:
Black Lotus Farming:
Minmaxing for Raid/ World buffs: /
The Story of AQ in Classic:
PvP Ranking Drama:

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49 thoughts on “Top 10 Most DEGEN Moments of Classic WoW | World of Warcraft”

  1. As someone who played vanilla i remember talking to people who where rank one on our server and the way they maintained it was account sharing with guildies in different time zones. That level of uptime was necessary. Fucking crazy.

  2. Ah yes, how fun zerging to 60 to stand around and wait for raid.

    Meta players are fucking losers lmfao more power to you if that's how you want to play but, turbo cringe.

  3. I got to rank 10 back in 2006 or so. And I raided as well pretty hardcore. I had a lot of free time, otherwise I'd have had no chance. One of Draenors rank 14 farmers was also from the same country as me, Wales. She had been constantly hammering BG's for months and months. I never did find out if she got there or not, but she was annoyed about the changes in TBC pre patch where anyone could get the HWL gear with no rank requirements etc. I can see why, as that gear would have been replaced while lvling in TBC for anyone just getting it for that, but for those who had been farming for months would have kept it forever for obvious reasons.

    Really tempted to go back to Classic, but whether I'd play the same class is another thing. Shaman was really dull to lvl and wasnt much fun at max lvl either back then, but with dual spec it might be less frustrating.

  4. You know what is degenerate? Using demonic rune as a warlock (espeically in the burning steppes while farming imps for soul shards).


  5. There was a moment of realization in Vanilla WOW when people realized that with crit that Paladins were just the best healers and it was just not well received. Just at a certain gear level it was no longer competitive between classes.

  6. wasn't there a point with silithid where people were mass reporting JUST to have exclusive rights to farm or was it something else i cant remember. though i guess either way that was also a degen moment from the community.

  7. I had quite a good route in burning steppes that I frequented on my BWL/AQ40 geared mage, before and after the buffs and I had pretty great success getting them

    because as the lotus farmers were all fresh 60 hunters, I had fun killing them 🙂 there was one time I had to kill FOUR(in succession, not simultaneously) before successfully getting a particular lotus. my gear made that possible as one shatter combo was enough to global one of them lol

  8. 12:48 — but it's true. Despite the fact that nearly every guild that wanted to clear Naxx did so in 2019 Classic, in 2006, something like ~1000 players did it. That's true; it's not misremembered.

  9. I 100% remember setting my notifications to max volume and waking up at 3am for world bosses. But dang it i got my 4-set of Eskhandar and procced that sweet ghost tiger in raid

  10. way way back in the day we were on a relatively new server and AQ hadn't been opened. Our guild at the time was top PVE for that server with BWL on farm. So we decided to take the war effort into our own hands. I had an excel spreadsheet and we advertised to the entire server that we would be taking contributions for the war effort where we set levels of stuff like linen cloth that would earn you, for instance, a class tier set piece from MC, or a random drop from MC, etc. This was back in the day where raiding took around 40 people so if you were casual at all you needed a committed guild to do anything.

    Once we had the ability to unlock because we'd completed the war effort we basically spent all night on alts trying to cross up the PVE guild on our server. We ended up holding until a Monday morning or something and spent the rest of the day ganking the horde guild rivals who only had a few diehards camping out the event start.

    I still remember getting tons and tons of mail to turn in for the war effort and exploding random players in Ironforge with all of those random buff scrolls you would get. Good times.

    Cry More, on Balnazzar circa 2005.

  11. P2 on a pvp realm really showed how human nature in degen videogames really gives you depressing relfections, the sheer amount of autism present in those days shames even the lamest mmo gamer in existence.

  12. Best moment is grizzly transferring to sulfuras, opening aq gates week one for us, and then being a holes on the entire server for a bit. But the entire horde got together and did not allow a SINGLE alliance player to get scarab lord.

  13. Proud to say i did 10/10 of these 😀
    We even had a spreadsheet of horde players so we cld track who we had killed that day to track honorless targets and had a 3rd account to check locations of the most horde/ horde we still needed to kill that day

  14. Didn't mention bracket stacking in PvP. You'd need to create dozens of alts and have them run to a graveyard to be killed so that they would be included in the server's ranking calculations (more players in the pool meant bigger brackets at higher ranks).


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