Top 10 Strongest Characters in World of Warcraft | Shadowlands Updated

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An updated version of the most popular video on the channel top 10 strongest characters in wow, now with Shadowlands changes.
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Long ago I made ‘Top 10 Strongest Characters in World of Warcraft’ and it is by far the most popular video on the channel with over 2.2 million views. However, since 2016 the lore has changed drastically and for someone jumping from Legion to Shadowlands, the universe might even seem like a different game.

Over the years since Warcraft Chronicle power levels have shifted drastically. Sargeras and the Old Gods have been put on the back burner and new cosmic forces have been brought into the spotlight. With the announcement of the Shadowlands, we’ve learned about the Eternal Ones (The most notable of these being Jailer/Zovaal) and the First ones. These new beings might completely shift the power balance, drastically impacting the wow cosmology chart.

We’ve also learned a bit more about the Light and the Void, specifically the Naaru and the Void Lords and we’ve figured out that they are not so black and white, despite the fact that they are almost literally black and white. As Shadowlands hasn’t been released yet and we are currently in the pre-patch stage some of these spots are still speculations based on the current datamined lore available.

The video contains some spoilers for World of Warcraft: Shadowlands.

All of the footage used in the video is copyrighted by Blizzard Entertainment unless stated otherwise.


49 thoughts on “Top 10 Strongest Characters in World of Warcraft | Shadowlands Updated”

  1. I made the updates version of the most popular video on the channel. Do you guys agree with the list and what would you change? Also I'd like to thank Raid for making this video possible Install it for Free ✅ Mobile and PC: and get a special starter pack 💥 Available only for the next 30 days!

  2. …just thought that the first ones could be us(the people outside the game) as it would make sence for our characters to be able use items by the creators as our characters are kinda like our avatars and as people(humans living on earth) were the ones who created world of Warcraft it can make sense that they would be seen as the creators.

  3. Wait, Wait! Are you saying the Dimensius the all-devouring is one of the Void Lords? I mean, all these "Void Lord" mobs and bosses obviously are weak as hell compared to the Old Gods, has there been another recton? Or maybe did you confused?

  4. I believe sargaras is stronger then the first ones. Or even the titans before they were weakened. I feel like they share many similarities in looks to the Greek pantheon who were the children of titans, the literal first ones in their universe. And they overthrew them. I believe the same is to be said here. After all, all the first ones are gone and the one we do know about is in chains. I think that has to be said for something

  5. Right now I replaying W3 and I don´t thinkt that Lich King (or whatever is LK) and Dreadlords are best friends ever. I don´t mind dreadlords being intergalactic manipulators, but I really hope they are not all Jailer´s agents. It does not feel right. But if one or two of them are double agends than with that I have no problems. Nice video.

  6. Why did you mention dread lords when your video is listed as strongest characters not races. Character is referring to an individual, and even then the dread lords shouldn’t be on this list. Also please offer your evidence of how the Narru are stronger than the old gods. Your reasoning for these ranking seem to be because they are very old and ancient for rankings. I would relabel this video to something else because you use other factors other than power or strength to create this list.

  7. I don’t think the eternal ones are stronger than the titans, at least equal to them. The jailer was confirmed to be stronger than the titans but he is a very different case from the rest.

  8. I think void lords should be number 2 or 1 because they control void a fundamental force of everything in World of Warcraft, even a fragmentation of them is capable of doing so much chaos in the universe, so imagine them in they full power, plus there are Void Lords not a single of them so i think they are strongest beings, or maybe there is someone like Void God who controls whole Void and Void lords is just like workers for him i don"t know. This is just my opinion.

  9. Good work, but in my opnion, inconsistent list, Naaru more powerful than old gods, really? Also, sargeras more powerful than void lords? They probably are members of first ones, And eternal ones most powerful than titans like argus seems inconsistent, cause we will defeat denathrius without Major difficulties in the begining of expansion differently than argus in Legion.

  10. I just watch this video we have absolute no proof most of the list how u know how strong void lords are or the ancient ones how u know that sargeras is stronger than them lol . U put one of the naruu that got one shot from illidan lol . And how u put eternals over the titan pantheon with absolute no proof lol. Even that bliizard confirmed they are equals lol. And u cant put azeroth yes it has the potential to become the strongest titan but with out born and become titan . And about the first maybe they are maybe they are like naruu

  11. God the new lore is lame… I mean the whole first ones … This constant back peddling in the cosmology has completely cheapened it because the writing staff is enslaved to the spectacle creep…
    In a few years we will face the first ones, who will turn out to have only been the servants of "The ones who came before" who… after their defeat 7 expansions from now will in fact reveal that they are only the agents of "Those who witnessed the dawning", who are of course you guessed it merely pawns of the "Ones that spoke the first word" etc etc etc etc etc etc… This need to shift the story into the cosmology of the world cheapens it so much… It's the equivalent of playing Warhammer as the God Emperor … Or reading LOTR from Eru's point of view… I don't know Chronicles marked a decline in the storytelling that just made me completely lose interest in this…

  12. I hope one of the raid bosses is legit every major dreadlord, fuckin Mal'ganis, detheroc, tichondrius, varimarthras, mephistroth, balnazzar, just legit all the boys. THat'd be sick, i'd froth that

  13. Now I have questions.
    1. How are titans created.
    2. Who made the fel? And why did it make seegares so powerful.
    3. Who exactly is death. We have been hoping it up forever now, or is death all the higher being in the ancient realm, kind of like the titans.


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