Top 10 Tips for NEW Gold Makers! World of Warcraft Gold Guide

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Hey guys! In today’s video, I’ll be showing you guys my top 5 favorite mining farms for making solid gold per hour!

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6 thoughts on “Top 10 Tips for NEW Gold Makers! World of Warcraft Gold Guide”

  1. when you will look at your daily 1500 of listing and that total "worth value" of 6.5 millions, that value is meaningless. What matter is you are spending more than one and a half hour of time doing all those works of relisting and how much you are making out of that time per day. Doing DF world quests will net you around 12-15K per hour, so if you are not making more than 25K per day from your AH, you are just wasting your time, this is not even including the time you spent to farm all those things that you are selling. if you would argue that you are playing a lots and you are running out of 70s quick on your world quests, then considering to level up more 70s is still the better option than this current way.

  2. Also with the introduction with dragon riding, is it that important to still be a druid for the travel form? Now that we move at 830% increased movement speed?
    Also you could mention the dragon riding talent that increases vigor for each herb/mining node

  3. Great video as always! I appreciate the perspective on looking at short term and long term goals. I had been working on gold farming for a mount, and once I got it (which was super exciting), I took a break and I haven't picked my next one. Time to pick something to work towards and get excited about that again! I also love that you included to do something that you enjoy. If you put your goals together with something you enjoy doing you can both enjoy the process, and the result, and that's a win-win situation for sure! Take care & happy farming.


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