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Over the course of WoW’s history there has been a gigantic amount of mounts added into the game. A decent chunk of these mounts would be made unavailable to players and are presumably never to be readded with most cases. Blizzard has been known to add content that is very much “If you didn’t play during this time you don’t get the rewards” so it incentivizes people to play more frequently. In this video we’re going to be going over the rarest unobtainable mounts in the game. The only rule is that if it can still be acquired in the Black Market Auction House then it will not be included on this list, even though its original method to obtain it was removed.
Video managed by Lotthbrook
Video edited by Sam
Script by Lotthbrook
├ The List
Intro: (0:00)
10.) Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm: (0:30)
9.) Warlord’s Deathwheel: (1:49)
8.) Primal Flamesaber: (3:05)
7.) Jigglesworth Sr.: (4:30)
6.) Amani War Bear: (6:19)
5.) AoTC Mounts: (7:57)
4.) Brewfest Ram 2007: (9:14)
3.) Recruit-A-Friend Mounts: (10:15)
2.) Gladiator Mounts: (12:37)
1.) Black Qiraji Battle Tank: (14:13)
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I've seen the qiraji battle tank mount once in tichondrius server, the only time I've ever seen it
Dude it’s ‘funnily enough’ not ‘funny enough’
proud owner of the basic unarmored brewfest ram
Dont forget the original unarmored epic mounts that were removed when the armored ones were added
I want the Primal Flamesaber so much. I had it when I shared an account with my mother and I didn’t get to keep it when I got my own.
the anniversary mounts
Im surprised that the swift zulian tiger isn't mention here, that's like second only to the battle tank
Surprised the spectral tiger from the trading cards didn't make the list
I got both the brewfest mounts in one run during the latest event. It was my second brewfest run ever
What person in their right mind has a motorcycle with…..treads on the back??? Ridiculous! You could tell there was zero decision making in the process on the OCC episode where they were inventing this stupid bike. JR kinda just goes "oh here we go, and finally let's add treads to the back end!" Looks god-awful and you KNOW Blizzard told them to add that instead of a second wheel lol
I am sad every time I log on, and can't mount my Black Proto-drake from Naxx25. We got every achievement for it, including The Undying and The Immortal, and all we didn't do, was Malygos with 20 man or under. Which is incredibly easy, we just didn't think that far ahead. One of the rarest mounts in the game, and all we needed to do was kill maly 20 man.
So, Amani War Bear is included, while Swift Horde Wolf is not. Quite interesting…
No Black Proto or ToC or even original Epic mounts? Damn!
This felt so nostalgic lol. I remember having a couple of theese before i lost my account. good times
Recruit a friend is also kinda shitty because there are countries where the program is not supported due to some weird laws forbidding such a program (yes its complete bogus)
my Amani War Bear is my pride and joy
I remember the alliance chopper mount being 1million gold not 100k when it was first added to the game.
Can you do a bosses video that were native to Azeroth. That were not from space, portals ect. Only that were native to Azeroth that were an actual threat and rate them 1-10?
I wish you had included the TOGC 25 immortal run mounts. even looking at classic, it is still very difficult to obtain and few players have it compared to the war bear which most players in classic had.
Blizzard talking about prestige of a mount aged like milk. They just give away rare mounts whenever they need another sub spike these days. Like the big battle bear from the TCG which used to be worth hundreds of USD due to age and "prestige" but was just given out as an amazon drop lol
Funny that the undercity bat and the nelf hippogryph weren't called out yet both are removed from the game. They aren't an AoTC mount but they did come from a limited time event that was run at the end of the legion expac. The War of Thorns event where players did quest events in Darkshore. I am also pretty sure that the event was gated so that the player had to do it in a certain way at a certain time in order to get the mounts.