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Check the Shadowlands shadow priest guide to get the gist on talents, gear, soulbinds, legendaries, the shadowlands spriest rotation and last but not least the shadow priest covenant options! Since the rework, the spec is doing great and our shadow priest guide will help you with just that, get started and do great because the regardless if you wanna blast in single target or be an absolute shadowlands spriest aoe legend, the spec provides all the necessary tools and numbers to hold a high position in the meters. Watch the video until the end to learn how to play shadow priest and always count on MarcelianOnline to bring the freshest shadowlands class guides 🙂
00:00 Intro
01:33 Talents
09:21 Stats & Consumables
13:11 Soulbinds & Conduits
14:48 Gear & Legendaries
17:16 Rotation
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That intro 🤣
The best WoW content creators in my opinion! Amazing!
Yo flame can you tell me where do you guys come from? Cause the footage wasnt showing english…
hope your going to cover the warlock soon destro would be swell
So Night Fae will be bis for SPriest in coming patch? And what race you recommend to this class? 🤩
Huge fan! ❤️
An amazing revamp. Good guide as always! Cheers
what would be the best covenent to go if you plan to play all 3 specs? Venthire? for all content types as well (m+/raid/pvp)
Psychic link listed as raids/single-target? u never use psychic link in raids m8, and it's basically a dead talent on ST fights.
Hey are you guys going to do destro lock guide
""Man F*ck off and let me tell you about Shadow" i was instantly gone at this part, giggling away
The thumbnails in this channel are the best on YT. Much love <3
Do you think Night fae is doing better than Venthyr? Most sites says go Venthyr so I'm curious if you tried the others beside night fae?
Intro was incredible lol.
I really like the new labels for the talent tree section, but may I suggest another label like "niche" or "build specific" for options like psychic link which might be dependent on external sources like legendaries?
Great content, keep it up!
the voices in my head told me to subscribe !
Shadow priest in the thumbnail: MASSIVE DAMAGE!
Shadow priest in MDI: Hey mage senpai, would you like power infusion? Or you holy pala doing 16k DPS? Guess I'll heal …
Nice intro.
Holy paladin: I'm sorry what is that? That thing, "Mana", never heard of it…
Yo, i would say that sanlayn is a bad talent cause you will lose the main speed option that a priest would have and you would use vampiric embrace on most pulls. I mean im not the best byt i think that is what i would say, just use body and soul
That intro, damn xD
what addons are you using for those name plate and cast bar?
I've been looking for some to use and these look great.
Damn, I want to play shadow now, kind of droped it a few weeks ago…
can i ask what are those black wing appearing from the priest,looks vey cool – (transmog, toy) ,im new to the game , thanks 🙂
No, isnt top tier, its GOD TIER BABY
lmao bruh thats the funniest intro this year
It's a sign- I just switched my Holy to shadow yesterday and I love it.
The best support class in the game (PI ME FUCKER)
Please fros dk pls
Love you guys. Never change
You will make me start again my level 52 Shadow Priest over my Dudu!! haha 😛
You guys are fucking great hahaha
You are doing great. When's the next video coming out? Thumbs Up 👍
Nice video, and the best duo of moderators 🙂
Gedankenschinden, Vampirberührung..
Bist du Deutscher? xD
Shadow priests really do pump…just most of them can't play their spec to max efficiency
Great content as always guys, do you plan doing a frost dk pve guide?
As always you two fools kill it😂🤣😂☺️😁😁 love the guides and vids doodz keep it up always superb content.
i only watch these videos bc of the intros xDD
MoUi works in shadowlands?
What I was told, is Venthyr is the go to covenant for Shadow Priest PvP.
Shadow Word: C***
Nice vid and useful thanks alot! , on that rotation with icons that showing it, is that an addon or a weakaura? What the name of it and also been looking for that – aggro – text cant find it anywhere if u can tell me where to get it and thanks alot !!
To be fair, if you run talbadar’s, in opening rotation you should use your first mind blast after Devouring plague not before (to get 60% buff)
Dude this video was amazing! You got a new sub. Love the ghost effects!
Is that a WA that shows the priority?
Do you guys have discord? I'd love to join.