Toxic Gatekeeping Players Hurting the Classic WoW Fresh Movement | World of Warcraft

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22 thoughts on “Toxic Gatekeeping Players Hurting the Classic WoW Fresh Movement | World of Warcraft”

  1. personally this whole thing was suppose to be about revitalizing classic era and push for a fresh server. Arguing from both sides isn’t helping anyone in the end. This was suppose to be fun…not a faction war within the horde. Let our king back in the discord end all the drama

  2. I have no idea how you guys even enjoy this server, when you spend a big portion of your time trying to deal with all those insane people. I'm so glad there is nothing like that in any vanilla private server (not in Turtle, not even in Everlook). Perhaps you should reconsider where you spend your time.

  3. this is why people are increasingly more antisocial in mmos. I for one avoid becoming attached to a guild because it always turns to tribalism for one reason or another. Idgaf about your personal beefs my dude; I'm here to game.

  4. small hats sucking and slurping on freshly snipped baby dicks, but people cry about talking to 19 year olds and call it pedophilia. doing a real disservice to actual victims applying the term where it isnt appropriate.

  5. I unwittingly witnessed that pedo accusation stuff firsthand when I helped a dude by signing his guild charter in Orgrimmar. Turns out that dude was the Dimz in question (didn't know him at all, let alone that he streamed), and within an hour or two Alodar and his sycophants were chain inviting one another to that guild over and over to harangue him. It was really obnoxious behavior, and I didn't actually think it was the real Alodar because of it so I checked his stream and lo and behold it was. He kept asserting he was 'just asking questions' about the pedo stuff and that his goal was to try and provoke Dimz to go Alliance and take his guild with him.

    It was really annoying.


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