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Blizzard released the full assortment of items for August and this one is a doozy, with multiple mounts, faction themed appearances and more!
Coffee With Soul
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there's a bit too much stuff for me this month.. but i think i'll have to pass on the whole shields, even though the green and red one look pretty neat
I definitely freezed the Griff mount and getting the Ally and Horde shields 🙂 the Blue and Red hoodies and capes, and will see what else i can get
i think im going to save up. maybe something good next month.
SO MANY ACTUALLY GOOD ITEMS! ….less than 2 weeks after I deleted WoW to make space for D4 on the SSD. Figures. ANd while the blood troll thing looks cool, I highly doubt I'd get it since I don't do group content anymore in WoW, and the log activities are structured in a way that you NEED to do A LOT of it.
Must be hell if you're obsessed with transmog. I only really care about mounts pets and toys myself. Trying to figure out if the spirit of competition has an actually unique moveset
Wow good thing I saved a bunch this month. I’m going broke this month for sure! Such a good list of items!
it reminds me of BFA with the color choices 🙁
I like the Republican, Democrat/ Crip and Blood theme 🤣
The shields ARE available cross faction!
Am I the only one that doesn't give a single shit about the blood troll, and actually find it kinda dumb?
I hope they bring Brutosaur for 1 year Tender and cap gold 😁
I really wish the 1 handed swords sheet on the back
Blizzard really needs to Stop putting Old shit and stupid shit in there.
Transmog toy – cleft – both alabasters 🎉 that’s my order of purchase – think I have enough
I hope they Do not bring back previous trading post items. It eill devalue the items and also makes less rewards overtime.
I am 100% purchasing or saving the transmogrifier, getting the grunt and guard shields, and depending on how much I have I also really want both the sacrificial dagger and fury of the firelord, I love flails.
I want more dragons!
That's a lot this month
The items all basically suck instead of some of the weapons, the armor set might make for some nice slutmogs, but thats it.
Look up Holy Crit. We love your content and on same realme
The Wyvern and Gryphon don't interest me in the slightest. I didn't buy them when they costed $$ and I aint bothering with them now that they are free. Untextured/uncolored is just lazy.
Damn this months xmog is good for many of my toons. ADVENTURE BROS ASSEMBLEEEEE!!!
looks like that Clefthoof is mine, not interested in the Alabaster mounts at all. i'll basically grab those when i have no other mounts to buy on a specific month.
I already know 600 is gone on the capes and gloves, another 600 on the Clefthoof and 400 the Helm of Hungering Darkness and I'll earn the bonus tmog set. Not feeling any of the other items
This month actually looks interesting to me lol I think I’ve bought a total of 5-6 things since trading post started, I’m sitting at like 4500-5000 tenders 😂
Blowing it all pause
Too much stuff that I want! There's no way I can buy all this stuff.
Are the trading post “quests” missing for August? What do we do to get those extra tenders?
Already got the mog had to rush it hide waist and cloak and you got a big ol booty for your mogs (:
Tha trasmog npc is just waste of tokens. You can literallu get to one with a Hearstone in 1 min
was glad i could buy a small extra tender in shop to get extra items.. sad we cant earn more tender there is just to much to choose from :l