Turn 50k into 150k with These Vendor Items! Patch 9.1 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide

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This video goes over 3 different vendor items that you should be flipping and selling on the AH! We cover Shirts, Wrath Crafting Mats and Pets! All of these are great to spend 10 minutes to collect and keep them in stock. They can bring in lots of profit overtime!
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0:00 Intro
1:28 Vendor #1 – Cheapest
7:39 Vendor #2 – Fastest Selling
14:49 Vendor #3 – My Personal Favorite
21:20 Final Remarks
22:36 Outro

🎡 Music: https://www.purple-planet.com/
#shadowlands #goldmaking #guide


6 thoughts on “Turn 50k into 150k with These Vendor Items! Patch 9.1 | Shadowlands | WoW Gold Making Guide”

  1. Made 30k over the last 24h by selling grey items for 10k each. Specifically 'Very Unlucky Rock', for the new 'trash items' Baubleworm pets. Might wanna make a quick vid on that – for farming the grey items/turning off auto-sell junk items.

  2. On my main server, those shirts are saturated – maybe 50% profit if they sell the first time posted.
    Interestingly they sell for way more on a mid-pop server I have toons on.
    The other options you gave work well on both NA servers.
    Do you have any good ideas on farming lightless silk or do you usually buy it when it's at a decent price?


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