Turtle WoW Gets Hacked! Hints at Blizzard?! [World of Warcraft]

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#worldofwarcraft #turtlewow #seasonofdiscovery

It’s sad once more, but we did expect shenanigans to come forth after that. The events happening one after the other is suspicious?

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0:00 – Intro & Catch Up
1:13 – TWoW’s Statement


19 thoughts on “Turtle WoW Gets Hacked! Hints at Blizzard?! [World of Warcraft]”

  1. the last ingame notification posted in yellow said:
    "Turtle wow has been hacked.

    thats not blizzard. noone from blizzard in their right mind would post something like that.
    my guess is its someone who got banned for talking shit in the world chat and is now being salty about it.
    also who the hell is shenna

  2. The first word in the server chat was literally the n word. I’m pretty sure if it was blizzard they would have simply shut it down and mess as much as possible with the server so it can’t be turned back on easily.
    Also I’m pretty sure blizzard would never do that since hacking is illegal and wouldn’t help in a lawsuit with the target to shut down the server. While you might argue blizzard is dumb in how they manage their games they are definitely not dumb when it comes to lawsuits.

  3. Turtle really does "Vanilla" far better than Blizzard themselves… And even old school devs said they were generally fine with people doing private server stuff, because it wouldn't be as good as what blizzard offered…

  4. bilzzard needs to fuck off its not turtles fault they made wow classic better and also if blizzard did not cost like $20 a month more would play plus imo classic should be free

  5. Blizzard as a company, does not care about the 4-10k players that are on turtle wow. The cosmetic shop and sub revenue is not anywhere near valuable enough to target, theres almost no revenue involved, and plenty to be lost from a bad leak. Now thats not to say some individual that works for Blizzard has taken note of Turtle WoW and has a personal vendetta against them, therefore they personally hired a group to target them. Possibly but not likely. Its far more likely that the hacker group had other motives for what they did and while its a hot topic to conflate Blizzard with this, its likely just not accurate.

  6. it was blizzard. 2 weeks ago they copyright striked the twow client trailer that showed how incompetent blizzard is at running a 20 year old game.

  7. Yes, I'm sure blizzard got GM access and put slurs out serverwide. The "entertainment" is an adult way of saying "for the lulz". All your other thoughts are conspiracy laden. Almost all pservers go down because a rogue gm or dev and its usually money based. If you make a claim, have proof to back it up.


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