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Armory Thread
20s Wargame Discord
0:00 Intro
0:55 F2P Accounts
2:45 Linked F2P Accounts
5:24 Veteran Accounts
9:34 Active Subscription
9:45 Outro
#Level20Twink #WorldofWarcraft #Shadowlands
Excellent video! To add to the confusion, accounts with game time can pvp in wargames but specifically only in wargames. Great news for people who are currently subbed but wanna get some arenas in with the boys
Another great video, as per usual.
Hmm, I have a issue, my second account does not have sub but had long time ago, but i cant que for bgs, i still get the red text "Free Trials cannot…"
My main have sub and its linked with second one. Do I need both to be unsub?
Could you please make a not long but not short guide on the things you need to do in order after leveling to 10 in order to get the right items and enchants
If you decide to pay for a sub on your f2p or your linked f2p so you can use mail & ah for a short time cant you just go to the exp eliminator guy pay the 10 gold & lock them in at 20 so the banked exp so won't level them? or well the banked exp ignore that?
so veteran acc with expired sub can access guild bank?
Great video! Very informative.
Great job cig
Great Video!
I think you need to mention Cross-Region BNet Linked F2P.
Can you Xfer a 20 toon to a f2p you never subbed? heard u could but unsure since pre patch SL changed some things it seems
hey cignus, what if you have an active 6month sub? would you have to wait 6 months for the sub to run out?
Love the info on twinking makes it alot easier to hop into something ive always wanted to do since vanilla!
wait so how do you que with friends for bgs after all of our subs run out?
My Unsubbed Vet account does not have AH access, Guild Bank Vault Access, Mail Access, Cannot Invite to Group, Cannot Initiate PM's unless on my Battlenet List or (Character Friend list + Other persons Character Friend list), No one 10 levels higher can see me typing in say chat on screen. (5/30/2022)
that is to say, that with a veteran account you only wait for the game time to end and sign up for bg without a problem and you would not gain experience? Would this match us with people who are leveling?
i love random bgs and would always get angry fighting against twinks so cant beat them then join them ? lol
so now i love smashing faces and being the one t bagging and laughing on my enemies
Sry, for being dense…so my active sub runs out on the 14th…I have vet & starter. So…once sub runs out WAIT a month before BG'n w/vet account??? Just use starter???
Any1 on Draka/Suramar/Bleeding Hollow/Ariel Peaks…I have both Alli/Horde toons. If u see Wulff a part of name & has Bpet "Moonfang" renamed "Nibbles" in tow…it is more than likely me.
WoW players using the word Twink is pretty on brand for boomer gaming, I dont play WoW or know much about it, but i do know what Twink means LOL
is it Possible to do 49's? i see this works for 20s but how can u do higher lvls?
the 'hard' pure f2p version (#1 in the video) is not hardcore enough if you have a hi-lvl friend who can boost you through. the real hardcore stuff is the pure f2p solo play.
@CigNus can you log into those different accounts from different areas? Wanna give my one account to my kid but I want to merge my 2 accounts so he can have my mounts and mogs