Uldaz CONFIRMED: New Location On Azeroth! BIG 10.1.5 Info, Buffs & MORE!

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Uldaz! Yup, 10.1.5 has news on it! Plus a lot more about the near term future of World of Warcraft Dragonflight.

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25 thoughts on “Uldaz CONFIRMED: New Location On Azeroth! BIG 10.1.5 Info, Buffs & MORE!”

  1. Yeah, the cavern zone is pretty empty on my server as well. I can see why. The place as little appeal. I'm only in there so I can advance the story. As soon as that's done, I'm out of there.

  2. Question i need to know is wtf is blizzard gonna bring rdf out for classic wrath. It needs to be bought in for use oceanic players, our population is no where near enough as the US to not have it. Even now im currently leveling a warrior as im typing this and im getting no dungeon groups even been peak time for me as its 8:54pm. I understand what blizz are trying to to do but from my last sentence its just doesnt work for us aussies. I am restricted to just leveling atm trying do dungeons is out of the question and when im leveling i personally like to do both but ofc i cant. Can someone please tell blizz to bloody read this and consider putting rdf asap i really dont care doing content cross realm to the US side if it means to can actually do dungeons and exeperience wrath content…………

  3. I’ve always wanted to see a Spellbreaker and a Time Mage that is like healer focused. We see a lot of rewind wounds and stuff, I know that aug just came out but… I really prefer some time mage stuff because it’s such an old idea

  4. About that Uldaz thing… Since all those are titan facilities, what is the titan name of AQ? We don`t know. I mean it is old titan complex. And according to wowpedia, Uldaz is in Silithus.


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