ULTIMATE Prospecting Guide | Shadowlands Goldmaking

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This channel is the passion project of a lifelong gamer. I am a nerd at heart who has a weird obsession for numbers, sales and marketing (hence enjoying making gold in Warcraft!)
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13 thoughts on “ULTIMATE Prospecting Guide | Shadowlands Goldmaking”

  1. how does making these changed to the material prices / destroy values affect other professions, I don't have a specific profile for Jewelcrafting, i have a general TSM profile that handles everything, if i make these changed will it greatly effect the values of other proffessions

  2. This is the first prospecting video I've seen from the gold making community since I started following it last autumn. So lovely to get a glimpse of this profession 😊

    I recently changed my pigment prices in the same way as you did with the essences and I've been very happy with the results. Now I'm itching to take on my craft and destroy values 😃

    I really like how you keep things original and don't shy away from showing more complex setups. Keep up the great work 💯

  3. tsm is not good i developer and create program craft for him is better ;D for example you can search item Penumbra Thread in all web site and tsm is 7 and in shadolands 9 and vendro bfa 8.5

  4. Its sad that gems mostly sold to a vendor than to use them for jewel crafting. Perhaps, in patch 9.1.5 crafting will get some love and there will be new ways to craft the gems into something useful and therefore, sellable!

  5. In your essence material strings, shouldn't you further divide the laestrite and elethium by 4, considering the numbers there are for all the essences? Or am I mistaken on that?


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