Undead Getting A NEW Form! EVOLVED Forsaken Coming!

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So the forsaken are technically doomed. Sylvanas while evil was constantly pumping up their numbers and despite them getting new leaders and establishing themselves as new Lordaeron they are literally destined for extinction in the very near future. However based on the new lore from the alpha that might soon start changing.

They are lead by the first ever light undead Calia Menethil and we didn’t even know light could create undead, but even more interestingly we datamined a ton of new lightforged undead in Khaz’Algar – completely unrelated to Calia Menethil. And no not just one saviour light character but very likely a fully fledged army of light undead. The regular undeath was always a thing of misery a punishement but this new light undeath might be a second chance and something someone might want to take willingly. This could mean that the forsaken could get a huge influx of new members but not the old scourge and Sylvanas forsaken but ones created by this new light method. Are the forsaken evolving?

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24 thoughts on “Undead Getting A NEW Form! EVOLVED Forsaken Coming!”

  1. you get an undead pala, and you get a draenei warlock, everyone gets unlimited amount of cringe.
    both factions have at least two sea-faring nations each and you can fucking bet the explanation for why haven't anyone till this expac encountered this empire of light will be grotesquely retarded.
    Funny how the loyalest of em down here who still care about this shit aren't happy either.
    How's that Metzen return working out for ya, kids

  2. Theyre retconing the order, how magic works and the fundations that they had made to this game. When Ive started playing undead, it was a holy priest that always felt pain by persisting in using the light, based on the lore. To be a healer was a great sacrifice for her lore, and now thats nothing hahaha

  3. Light based undead makes zero sense. If you use light to restore someone, it brings them back to life. The point of undeath being a shadowy-ish thing is that it is not true life and restoration, hence, un-death.

  4. This is dumb. This is just another symptom of shit writing and the happy feel good direction of wows story. The forsaken are fucking undead that as a faction have committed the worst war crimes in azeroths history. This isnt a people that can be or even asked for redemption. And forsaken players want to keep it that way. Blizz made sylvannus too important to the forsaken identity, and then nuked her character. Its retarded and the race is practically ruined with no path forward. Light forged forsaken is a stupud ass pull that NO ONE asked for.

  5. Couldnt it be possible for races give their permission in life to be undead when they die. Stories about shadowlands and what your fate will be when you die should be common right now. A movement could start with different horde/alliance races that hate the idea of eternal servitude in the shadowlands. They want a choice and ask Calia or other lightweilders for a sollution/light resseraction when they die.
    It only happend to Callia and it took a lot of power. Shewould feel empathic to this plight. She will seek a effiencent way to ress and find a powersource/a catalist to make light undead. after this quest she is needed to ress someone important(maybe with a void naru inside idk) so Vareesa can contain the void inside herself and not a timebomb void invasion in her death state. The sunwell could be the only small change to prevent this and at the same get vereesa back. It would work but the void powers still escape in to the sunwell resulting in a void invasion.

    it could also fuel the awaited allaince civil war in midnight.

    Being able ress people with the light could lead to a overal paradigm shift in the alliance races on their views of undead. It also lead to a anti reaction of lightweilders like tyrallion and the church. Making the groundwork for a civil war between ProRess/Prochoice azoroth style side with calia/anduin/Moira as the leaders vs tyrallion/church of the holy light (and maybe Velen in the beginning for peacekeeping) NoRessForU or NoChoice side.

  6. You mention a light lich king, could this not be the Arathi emperor? Or even Yurl? Granted neither of those individuals have a helm of domination (that we’re aware of). I’m still highly suspicious of the ancient family blood lines, and why they still are seeming relevant. Arthas was chosen, Andwin was chosen, and it seems maybe Callia may have been chosen. Who’s to say the Arathi emperor doesn’t have some connection and why he may have control over aspects of the light, that others haven’t before… besides andwin… Andwin is the only one who can stand up to this emperor in terms of his power over the light. (Remember, Andwin has shown great and unheard of power over the light, be it in the BFA cinematic, or even summoning the light in the shadow lands, which had never been done before) we are seeing more and more versions of the light show up within this world, and imo, it’s only foreshadowing the darkness it’s going to bring. The light is preparing itself for something big, and as it stands the light holds sway in both Lordaron, and stormwind, that’s the norther and southern parts of the eastern kingdoms. We are going to have some big event in qel’thalas, I wouldn’t be surprised to see the light surround us, and we make our last stand at the sun well.

  7. i wonder if you could use the elements or life magic to make an undead, and if a life powered undead would end up looking like a dryad or something where the broken patches of skin get covered over with plant life and bark and such


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