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Unholy Dk has gotten some AMAZING Legendary Powers for Shadowlands so let’s go over them all, how they work, and how they perform in comparison to each other in PvP and PvE!
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Headphones: Sennheiser HD 280 Pro’s (no mic) best quality this Audiophile has ever found-
Big Mouse mat: Corsair MM300:
Microphone: Blue Yeti Pro Studio:
Audio Interface: Focusrite Scarlett 2i4 (2nd Gen) –
Mic Boom Arm: Rode PSA1 –
Webcam: Logitech c920 Pro –
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What do you think about those Legendaries? Do you have any cool ideas for synergies or strats to really make these legos shine? Have any questions? Let me know!
oh boy been waiting for this
Army of the damned or unholy strike thing? in testing which is best?
I really don’t wanna play UH again this xpac. Wish they’d stop nerfing frost.
dont tell them its not broken
Remember in legion when the shambler was just part of the artifact weapon? Then we got TWO legendaries, and tier sets on top of that.
So unfortunately I am still playing unholy
Ehhhh not that excited for legos mainly because we are limited to only equipping 1 and for the fact that a lot of the lego effects are passive or just copy/paste from legion. I just hope that I will be able to get a lego this expansion. I was literally one of the people who throughout legion could not obtain a single legendary gear until right up until the announcement of BFA where I got the dk shoulders which were a shit drop apparently.
deadliest coil + venthyr ability + gargoyle burst?
I'm really just reaching for a way to make venthyr viable in pvp lmao, kyrian or necrolord seem so good but venthyr is so cool and I'm already rocking a blood/vampire tmog(which the weapon illusion would certainly help with…). Would also work for lichborne self heal too I suppose
Maybe death's certainty is going to make Defile a more appealing choice for single target, or cleave situations, because of the % damage increase on death coil it might outperform epidemic on 2 targets?
How can nightmare be better than Monstrosity legendary since the second one gives you&pet 12% more damge also , its like saying +3% haste > +12% overall dmg which i highly doubt.
Does Phearomones also interact with the pets from AotD and Apocalypse? If so, I wonder why it's not higher in ST.
Unholy is soooo much freaking fun! Its what Im playing in SL
Hi mate first of all thank you for make Unholy video too, and this video is important for me because I am planning to play as Unholy for PvE side for PvP will go as Frost so this one became good guide for me, as second I also followed you on twitch recently and saw you are so young 🙂 but very mature 🙂 I am little bit old but still love to play 🙂 and as finally are you thinking as Covenant is Necrolord good for PvP and PvE ?
Deaths certainty gives you a lot of cc if you make your dd reduce speed by 90% from your talent deaths grip. Which would make it good in pvp from people trying to flee from you
What sword do you have on? Also great video!
Death’s certainty looks to be absolutely nuts with Fae DK. Aren’t you using dnd as soon as it’s off CD, no matter what, as a fae DK anyway?
Awesome video Bro 🙂
Keep up the awesome DK videos!
Looking forward to seeing more of your unholy break downs
The leggo for death strike and death coil 35% increase dmg is so nice combined with the conduit that increase 40% sudden doom proc death coil it will be insane i remember the days when death coil hit hard as a spender and was amazing the dark transformation leggo is also good ye but its 1 min cd and uptime of 15 seconds but its still amazing
Can you do a video on frost Dk right now? I’ve always mained frost
Hey let’s meet up at Taco Bell and fight , I heard you’ve been talking trash about me and my old lady .
Xodas you talked about frenzied monstrosity giving us 12% Atk speed but not 12% dmg also, not sure if you missed it or forgot to mention it.
Does nobody get the spelling? It's pronounced FEAROMONES as in FEAR bc the mobs in DnD cower in place? What you are saying is Pheromones.. extra A in the legendary name.. get it? 🙂
I’m thinkin shamblers with Necrolord
How do I get the nightmare/Phearomones???
Why you crafted your legendaries with crit/haste and not haste/mastery ?
Dude read the tooltip. Attack speed and damage…
Unless Pheramones has a hidden buff it does not seem to work on army minions, only your main Ghoul, despite saying "Minions" you can test this ingame by casting Army, then D&D your ghoul gets the buff but no army pets do. Skulker doesn't get the buff either so this is misleading, keep it in mind whilst picking your legendary.
"No single target pull." Rage monsters from De other Side would like to have a word with you.
It increase also your dmg by 12% not only your attack speed
What are your thoughts about UH legendaries for PvP? (not specifically Arena, but RBG's as well). I've been gearing up my alt UH and am about to craft my first legendary. I'm really torn between chosing for 'the best' legendary and the most fun, as i find the Monstrosity and deadliest coil rather boring.
Something like Reanimated Shambler or Superstrain looks more fun and interesting, but just not as good or viable (especially in pvp). Is it worth crafting Superstrain to do some casual Mythics and RBg's with the occasional arena for example? Or are they just not viable