Unholy DK Season 4 Survival Guide (Shadowlands PvE)

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Hi guys, today I’m walking you through the Season 4 Unholy Death Knight! This will pretty much only cover new gear and its acquisition, since that’s the only real change for us!

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15 thoughts on “Unholy DK Season 4 Survival Guide (Shadowlands PvE)”

  1. Thanks for the soul reaper macro, i was having trouble procing on the gavel add. Only dk in raid so im always having to grip things in for this season, youve made my life easier 😅🫶

  2. Using scars ti activate 1 thru 4 doesn't incur cooldown. 5th rune DOES incur the cooldown though.

    Notably also, staying at 4 runes is more average stats than cycling it on cd. You only want to pop the 5th when you have cds or the boss dies within 30s

  3. That necrotic wound mecanic needs to be a buff on the death knight not a debuff on target . If its a buff we have more flexibility to switch targets . Its so clunky
    If the targets dies with 6 stacks there goes yours wounds back to ramping wounds ahian They didnt removed it on dragonflight


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