Unlocking Flying In Shadowlands: EVERYTHING you need to know!

Read more about Shadowlands ➜ https://worldofwarcraft.mgn.gg

Flying in Shadowlands is one of the most anticipated features, recently announced during BlizzConline 2021 and expected to come in the patch 9.1, the Chains of Domination. We now have all the information about Shadowlands Pathfinder achievement, what we need to do in order to unlock flying, how it ties into Renown and our Covenant campaign, where we can fly, and much more. Watch the video and find out the answers to all your questions about Shadowlands flying!

Shadowlands Flying: Everything You NEED to know! | Pathfinder, Unlocking Flying & 9.1 Patch Update!

Read: https://moms-den.com/2021/02/24/flying-in-shadowlands-9-1-patch-pathfinder-requirements/

00:00 Intro
00:33 Flying Unlocked in 9.1!
01:13 How to unlock Shadowlands Flying
01:51 Where can we fly in Shadowlands?
02:56 The Maw & Korthia
04:33 Outro
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20 thoughts on “Unlocking Flying In Shadowlands: EVERYTHING you need to know!”

  1. Sadly for me the requirements for flying in Shadowlands has killed my love of the game. Real Life has taken on a much more demanding schedule for me so I don't have the kind of time to play every day as I once did. I'm afraid it will take me months after the patch complete all the demands to earn flying. I have not been able to even log into the game since Blizzcon's announcement regarding flying. So it seems that Shadowlands will be my last expansion. I started in BC and have played ever expansion since then. There may have been things I did not like in each of them, but there is nothing I like about Shadowlands. Now with the demands on players to achieve all the crap just to fly tells me it is time to cancel my subs and walk away from the game.

  2. Hello, thank you for the video. I am lost here, sorry. According to Zygor, I completed 3 of the Chains of Domination achievements (Battle for Ardenweald, Maw Walkers and Focusing the Eye) and the next step it says is 147 – Vault of Secrets, but then that wasn't offered to me. I filed a ticket and the person in WOW said I needed to follow the quest line "A New Path" which is not listed. Then they said to start this quest A Paladin's Soul. But I can't find Thenios. he is not at location (step 345 in Zygor). So in order to fly in Shadowlands, I need to complete this quest? I thought all you need is 3 of the CoD achievements? I am very confused. Thank you! And now, I have reached Renown 64 and still nothing. What am I missing folks?

  3. Watched many videos. Yours was the first I saw that said your selected Convent needed to be completed. I started later in Shadowlands and the videos I watched were all after 60 quest lines which I finished 4 weeks ago on my main and still have no wings. TYVM. Not all WoW players pay attention to all the details, or login weekly, or every month. Short, sweet and to the point. Thanks again.


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