UPLIFT YOUR WOW UI! Best Shadowlands Addons

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Time to uplift your wow ui with the best shadowlands addons baby! Community favorites like s ui, threat plates, luxthos weak auras, world quest tracker and more are making a return with a bunch of new ones because everyone is asking for addons for shadowlands command table, right?. It’s a wow addons beginner video meaning, we show you how to install and configure all of these so in a sense, you can think of this as a proper shadowlands addons guide 🙂 Watch the vid until the end or check the time stamps because we never had a more complete shadowlands addons wow video! Oh, and keep close to Marcelian Online for a lot more juicy videos to come 🙂

Threat Plates Profile (copy all the text and import into Threat Plates profile)
MBB https://www.curseforge.com/wow/addons/mbb
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34 thoughts on “UPLIFT YOUR WOW UI! Best Shadowlands Addons”

  1. This is insane timing, I have been scouring yt for good addon videos and you guys do it perfectly. Thx for always bringing me the content I need, its like u can read my mind…….<3

  2. i find it hard to "to see the trees trough the forst", i find it kind of overwhelming. I Also dont get how you can keybind on these alternative action bars?
    I wish there was this giga addon premade pack and settings to have this kind of ui

  3. KUI nameplates are also good 😎👌
    And TellMeWhen is super good for ultimate customization. Some use ElviUI and other pre made tools but TMW allows to basically have everything tailored to your desires, recommended 10/10

  4. Real quick, about hiding the WeakAura cast bars. Clicking the little eye will NOT hide the cast bar while you play. Instead, click on the cast bar, click on the tab at the top that says "load" and click "never"

  5. I litterly use every addon except for Adibags, never liked it. I'm also sad to hear that the author of MBB isnt updating it. That addon alone is such a great quality of life improvment

  6. i like addons, but i have a big issue, i have to deactivate a lot in castle nathria in order to get stable 60fps, graphics are already pretty low. but weakauras etc. (all always up to date) costs me ar. 400mb -.-


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