Vale of Eternal Blossoms – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria / MoP

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The Vale of Eternal Blossoms is a region at the center of the continent of Pandaria, and has great cultural importance to both the pandaren and mogu, particularly due to the Mogu’shan Palace. Formerly known as a Cradle of Life and used as a place of experimentation by the titans similar to Sholazar Basin and Un’Goro Crater, this vale of golden flowers and trees served as the seat of power for the rulers of Pandaria, such as the mogu rulers following the death of Lei Shen.

After the Alliance and Horde came to Pandaria bringing their war with them, the August Celestials decided to reopen the gate after sealing it following the downfall of the mogu empire. The Alliance and Horde proved themselves in aiding the Golden Lotus in defeating the Shao-Tien mogu. Later, Warchief Garrosh Hellscream used the vale’s power as a means to revive the Heart of Y’Shaarj. The Old God’s power utterly destroyed the eastern half of the vale, causing some to refer to it as the Vale of Eternal Sorrows. Following the Siege of Orgrimmar, Emperor Shaohao’s spirit planted a magical tree in the center of the destruction, providing hope that the vale will heal one day now that Pandaria need no longer fear the seven breaths of Y’Shaarj.

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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions/subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Vale of Eternal Blossoms A (or Gecko), Mogu, Temple of Five Dawns: Russell Brower
Vale of Eternal Blossoms B (or Family), August Celestials: Neal Acree
Sha Walk: Jeremy Soule
Corrupted Vale, Sha Ambient, Good Mourning: Edo Guidotti
For the Pandaren Alliance: Jason Hayes

World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Vale of Eternal Blossoms locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Uncorrupted Vale of Eternal Blossoms
0:03:14 The Golden Stair
0:05:05 Ruins of Guo-Lai
0:08:23 Guo-Lai Halls
0:10:45 The Hall of the Serpent
0:11:21 Ruin Rise (Alani dragon)
0:11:56 Ruins of Guo-Lai
0:13:16 Winterbough Glade
0:15:37 Tu Shen Burial Ground
0:19:04 Mistfall Village
0:22:50 The Golden Rose Tavern
0:25:02 Whitepetal Lake
0:26:37 The Emperor’s Approach
0:27:40 Big Blossom Excavation
0:28:57 Summer Fields (sha touched)
0:30:44 Big Blossom Mine
0:32:35 Shrine of Two Moons
0:33:23 The Golden Terrace
0:34:22 Summer’s Rest
0:36:12 Hall of the Crescent Moon (Horde capital)
0:37:00 The Imperial Mercantile (teleporters)
0:38:10 The Jade Vaults (Bank)
0:39:12 Chamber of Masters (professions)
0:40:24 Mogu’shan Palace
0:41:52 Seat of Knowledge
0:44:22 Shrine of Seven Stars (Alliance capital)
0:45:13 The Summer Terrace
0:47:00 The Golden Lantern
0:48:03 The Emperor’s Step
0:48:57 The Star’s Bazar (professions)
0:51:11 Etheral Corridor
0:52:10 The Celestial Vault (banks)
0:53:00 The Imperial Exchange (teleporters)
0:54:48 Serpent’s Spine
0:55:32 Setting Sun Garrison
0:57:58 The Gate of Setting Sun

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26 thoughts on “Vale of Eternal Blossoms – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria / MoP”

  1. I've been delaying this zone so many times. The reason is more or less the same regarding the destroyed zones: I preferred the Vale as it was when I first walked into it during the launch of Mists of Pandaria, which is a pristine / uncorrupted zone.

    I tried for many days to restore the old map, I've succeeded with the help of my friends, but I did not have enough data to restore the NPCs from it. I've filmed a few minutes in the beginning so you can see how was it like. In 8.3, Blizzard restored most of the area, but it's not exactly the same. Anyway, if the channel will remain long enough active to experience MoP Classic, I hope I'll create again a tranquil music video with the uncorrupted Vale.

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    With love,


  2. Hey, Meisio! Have you ever thought about doing only ambience videos (no music, only ambience) like you did with Elwynn before? Idk if I have asked before but I think that would be great for some DnD games and more stuff like that! I think that the vanilla zones especially will work quite well since the older wow zones have a lot more ambient music that blends a lot more with the background in comparison with the newer ones.

  3. Truly, Pandaria is a soothing balm on the soul. 😌 It evokes a sense of mystical whimsy and calm each time one visits the continent. I thank you for your great efforts in bringing the uncorrupted Vale as best you can, and hope you know your work is always appreciated. It is your videos that are a soothing balm on the soul I must say 🤭 they always bring about a sense of tranquility. Thank you so much as always, wishing you and your family all the best ❤️

  4. If i ever come back to WoW or better start Classic, i think MoP would be the one expansion. I still love everything around it, but at the time my guild wrecked itself and i stopped playing way too early. Later revisited it before WoD launched and loved it a lot.I still think is Blizzards sole masterpiece when it comes to delivering a nearly perfect package in design, where every nook and cranny fitted into the game and just clicks. Every zone was distinctive and had its highlights, but still fit into the overall picture. We can argue about Gearing, Difficulty, Class Design etc, but from an pure visual design POV, this Expansions tops them all or at leasts battles for the Crown with Wrath.


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