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#scottish #reaction #worldofwarcraft
I have never played or even seen gameplay of world of warcraft, so let’s hop into the game universe through all of the cinematics!!!
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Which cinematic do you think is the best???
riot cinematics are better
long time wow player, really enjoyed the completely blind reacts. there's a couple new ones you missed and i'd love to see you react to: dragonflight official cinematic, war within announcement cinematic, and war within official cinematic. the cinematics are for expansion launches
There's newer since then, and a current expansion coming up too with pretty good trailers.
As a player of WoW for the past 20 years, watching you call Varok Saurfang "goblin-man" is downright criminal lol.
Just react to all in-game cinematics from Pandaria up to date in chronological order and story will make sense as much as it can, that is of course if you are interested of the story behind each of these cinematics.
Awesome video! I liked seeing your perspective on the cinematics
only thing good about shadowlands was the cinematic, worst expansion ever, dragonflight was sort of good, its over and war within about to launch
I loved it when you said, "Varok!? I thought his name was Saurfang!?" 😂
Varok is his first name.
Great reaction bud!!!
Check out The War Within cinematics! WoW has changed a lot since!
The next couple are the Dragonflight and War Within cinematics. Dragonflight is the most recent expansion and War Within actually launches next month!
Ok I think you really need some context:
1) The Warcraft franchise exists since the mid 90's. The first three games where RTS games titled Warcraft: Orcs vs Humans, Wacraft 2: Tides of Darkness (and the expansion pack Beyond the Dark Portal) and Wacraft 3: Reign of Chaos (plus the expansion The Frozen Throne). League of Legends is in fact an adaptation of a custom made game mode of Warcraft 3 called Defence of the Ancients (or DOTA, a name you might have heared). Warcraft 1 was originally planned to be a licensed Warhammer game (that's why the characters look like Warhammer) but Blizzard couldn't get the necessary license from Games Workshop.
2) World of Warcraft is an MMORPG.
3) There are no "character reveals" like in Overwatch or League. This is an MMO with a true Open World.
4) Gameplay works like in other RPGs – you create your character by picking race and class, explore the world, do quests, dungeons and raids, farm materials trade in the auction house etc
5) The individual trailers are the announcement trailers of the main game (=the first trailer) and the individual expansions.
6) The first trailer introduces some races and classes in the game – Dwarven hunter, Night Elf Druid, Undead Warlock, Orc warrior, Tauren shaman (the bull man – originally this race was supposed to be called Minotaurs, but they changed the name to Tauren during development of Warcraft 3), human mage. Two classes (priest and paladin) and two races (gnomes and trolls) are notshown in the trailer.
7) The Burning Crusade was the first expansion released, introducing two new races (the tentacle guys, the Draenei, for the Alliance and the Blood Elves for the Horde. The two characters shown also represent the two classes not shown in the original trailer – the Draenei is a paladin, the Blood Elf is a priest). The narrator – the guy with the horns and wings – is Illidan Stormrage, the main antagonist of the expansion.
8) Wrath of the Lich King is the second WoW expansion and it is about defeating the Lich King and his undead Scourge. He revives a long dead blue dragon called Sindragosa in the trailer. He is replaced at the end of the expansion by a new Lich King whotakes on the job to keepthe undead in check instead of unleashing them on the world.
9) Cataclysm is WoW third expansion and the trailer introduces the next Big Bad of WoW – Deathwing, a dragon that wants to destroy the world.
10) Mists of Pandaria, the fourth expansion, introduces a new playable race (the Pandaren) and a new class (the monk). The setting is a new continent that was discovered by Horde and Alliance after being enshrouded for thousands of years and of course Pandaria is full of adventures and under threat by evil forces.
11) Warlords of Draenor takes us to another world – the planet Draenor, the original homeworld of Orcs and Draenei. The events in the trailer show a very important event in Warcraft history: the orcs where corrupted by consuming the blood of the Demon Lord Mannoroth – that's why they attacked the normal game world of Azeroth in Wacraft 1 in the first place, serving as agents for the demonic Burning Legion. The orcsfree themselves from the demon influence in the events of Warcraft 3 btw. However- Time manipulation creates an alternative timeline in which the orcs are not corrupted by the demons but form an invasion force of their own known as the Iron Horde to conquer Azeroth nonetheless.
12) Legion, the 6th expansion, sees the Burning Legion return to Azeroth in the attempt of destroying the world.
13) Battle for Azeroth, the 7th expansion, sees a new conflict and war erupt between the Horde and the Alliance (the two playable factions in the game). During the course of events the orcish hero Saurfang frees the Horde from the manipulations of the Horde's corrupted Warchief, Sylvanas Windrunner (the undead elven woman featured in the trailers).
14) The final trailer (Shadowlands) introduces a new cosmicrealm, the Realm of Death – in the Expansion the players travel to this realm to fight the next Big Bad, an entity known as The Jailer.
The cadence of WoW expansion releases is about 2 years give or take.
PS: Saurfang is an orc, not a goblin. Goblins do exist in WoW and where even introduced as a playable race for the Horde in Cataclysm, but they are entirely different from Orcs. Goblins are small, abotu the size of a gnome, and are very industrious and inventive. They always compete with the gnomes in terms of who creates the best inventions – and both races are good at it, but their inventions are always…interesting. Gnomish inventions tend to have unexpected side effects, while goblin inventions usually work as intended but have a tendency to eventually explode, usually at the worst possible moment. And what you call "blue goblin man" is not a goblin either – that's a troll.
Ruined King from LoL is a wimpy emo copy paste version of Lich King
There are also WoW Beyond The Veil cinematic from Shadowlands, the battle for the city in Battle For Azeroth is ended with The Siege of Lordaeron: Turn The Tide in-game cinematic.
There's also Dragonflight cinematic missing.
There were also static cinematics for many expansions – I would recommend watching WoW Warbringers ones – there are 3.
Now you've got Dragonflight and the new expac cinematic – The war within
What is it with this trend of videos saying they're reacting to "EVERY" cinematic…but it's like…not. XD If your video is not 4-5 hours long, it's not "EVERY" lol
I'm unsure if someone else has answered your question by now, but each of these trailers (with the exception of the first and the Battle for Azeroth Cinematics) mark the beginning of 2~ish year expansion sets for the game. WoW is an Open World MMORPG so one could expect an expansion to literally expand the world with new territories, quests, dungeons, raids and PvP battlegrounds to explore.
The Horde and the Alliance are player factions. Neither side is truly evil, and the races tied to those factions in their modern state have fought both together and against one another since Warcraft 3.
Blizzard doesn't always execute on their stated goals in a given expansion, but the cinematics serve as a tuning fork for the theme and tone of a given expansion's aesthetic and also promote important characters. Most of the cinematics showcase antagonists who we will eventually thwart in raids, but Varok Saurfang's story was a treat for the community made to highlight the emotional and political throughlines of the BFA expansion and even reflects the attitudes of players toward that expansion's story.
Hope this helps.
The darker skinned elf woman is Sylvanas and one of the oldest still alive characters in Warcraft lore (old by RL time).
Once a high elf general fighting against the Lich King (the one in the third cinematic), she died and was raised by him again as un undead slave, a Banshee (per se a Ghost, but she found her body and kind of possesses it, now, though she still can switch to the ghost form).
Being transformed into an undead distorted not only her body to some degree but also her mind (and before she could gain back control, the Lich King forced her to slaughter her own people) and from that point on she was quite emotionless and brutal in the means to reach her goal without much care about the sacrifices to make.
When the Lich King was defeated, she tried to end her distroted life, just to see that there is no end – but an afterlife, in which mortals are just cattle and the whole life-death cycle just a prison for mortals.
While she was brutal in her means, her goal was always freedom of choice, so she allied with a god of the afterlife, who himself was chained there to supervise pretty much hell but the other gods of death. He said it was for going against this tyrannic system that treat mortals like cattle and seeing someone just as abused, tortured and distorted like herself, Sylvanas went along with that and had no problem to even wager a war to increase the amount of souls coming to the afterlife to give them the power needed to bring down the system and change it to one that would give mortals freedom.
She was betrayed in the end and didn't reach all of it, but also stood against the betrayer and was one of the main reasons he could be stopped. In the end, while it was not the perfect freedom she wanted to reach for mortals, the system changed a lot and became much better, but of course she was still judged for all the death and suffering she caused to reach it.
(imagine in RL the 'good guys' would be judged for all the mass murder they do to stop the bad guys… oh my…).
So she is less evil than brutal. In the cinematic that shows how she was betrayed, she could just laugh her ass off at all others and go with the betrayer, pretty much becoming one of the most powerful being in the universe he would control, but instead she gives this up and all her power to stand against him. This alone shows, that she's not evil, because an evil person would never do that, to give up everything they have for the sake of others. Doing this is the very definition of altruistic = good.
But again: she's brutal and her self distorted when she was made an undead.
The Lich King in the last video is a different one to that in the third cinematic.
The first Lich King was defeated, but it was said that someone has to take his place and wear that magical helmet, which gives the power to control undead, to keep the "scourge" (a massive undead army) in check and not let them rampage over Azeroth.
A Paladin who died in the war against the Lich King but was revived by the ruby dragon flight (of life), took this place, since with his still brutally burned body he saw not really a way to live with other humans anymore.
Since then he pretty much just sat there, trying to control the Helmet and not be corrupted by it, what alone makes him a lot weaker than the original Lich King.
On top of that, he does not own the other magic artifact "Frostmourne" (the blade you see in the video he for example uses to raise that dragon), a soul eating blade that empowers its user even more with every soul, what made the original Lich King stronger and stronger and stronger until the cosmic force Light (there are six cosmic forces in Warcraft: Light, Void, Death, Life, Order and Chaos and reality exists between those in their counterbalance) destroyed it (else the players would have lost and their characters turned into servants of the Lich King.
Beside this, Sylvanas is empowered by a god of the cosmic force Death, so she's much, much, much, much stronger than she would be by herself.
The chains you see are pretty much chains from hell, which just rob you of all strength and resistance, so there is borderline no way to resist them without having a cosmic force on your side, too.
Since the Helmet is coming from the realm of Death, too, and even more was forged by the same god who empoweres Sylvanas… well…
Just so you know, the lore of pandaren in WoW is older than kung fu panda. So it's not Po in Wow, its that Po in kung fu panda is clearly a pandaren.
the elven archer lady is an Undead. She is called Sylvanas and is one of the most evil characters in WoW. So you have been right at first.
So in the 4th cinematic, the giant dragon is named Deathwing. 10,000 (in game) years ago,he was originally named Neltharion,and he was basically a warden/protector of the element of earth,as well as the world that WoW takes place in. He was the strongest of the black dragons, their “Aspect”. The other dragon colours are red (life,leader Alexstrasza) blue (magic,originally Malygos, now a new one,Kalecgos) green (nature,originally Ysera, now Merithra,not sure on spelling) bronze (time,Nozdormu). The original 5 Aspects named above (not Kalecgos or Merithra) became Aspects when they saved the world thousands and thousands of years before. There’s a book that goes deeper into the lore but I won’t get into all that.
Basically when Neltharion became an Aspect,he became connected with the earth,and could “hear” it,for lack of a better explanation. Unfortunately,when Azeroth was first being formed,evil creatures were imprisoned deep deep underground,and he could hear them too. The Old Gods,as they would eventually be called, whispered promise of power/greatness to him for countless years,until he finally snapped ,went super crazy,and betrayed the other dragons,in the middle of the first demon invasion (the same ones as the trailer with the two flying ships) . To put it simply (sorta) the weapon he created to destroy the demons/ gain control over everything else was too powerful, and literally began to rip his body apart.He went into hiding for about 10,000 years.
The metal plates are all that keeps his body together,without them he would fall apart. In the Cataclysm trailer,he is making his return to Azeroth for his revenge. All the earthquakes,tsunamis,etc are because he is still connected to the earth element,and he wants to create as much destruction and suffering as he can.
Green orc with the “luscious locks” is Thrall. He was leader of the Horde for many many years,and always tried to find peaceful solutions,instead of violent. Fans tend to call him “Green Jesus” because he has saved the day many many times (after we do all the work lol)
Mak’gora is a HONOURABLE fight to the death. No magic,just your weapons/fists. So even though Sylvanas killed Saurfang,Saurfang technically won since she was cheating.
firstly, when i heard "oh Ginger, that's unfortunate." i bout spat water all over my PC, holy shit. lol secondly, longtime WoW Player here, been playing since '05. what you've seen is the mere tip of the Iceburg. WoW has Cinematics in most areas of the game, and where they dont, they have animated scenes that play out with the game's models, it's a very cinematic type of game. in fact every time a new Raid came out they would put out trailers for it, in which Raids are Instanced content where loads of players fight the strongest of foes together.
9:45 – the gameplay of WoW is hard to explain, but there is/was a MOBA type game based on Blizzard's IPs, it was called Heroes of the Storm. also, DOTA was originally a custom game in Warcraft 3, created by fans, who would eventually go on to make DOTA 2 and create the genre that League is known for.
14:15 – THAT is the original Po, his name is Chen Stormstout, and he was a secret playable unit in Warcraft 3. so, just clarifying in case you get the notion in your head that they copied Dreamworks. they created Mists of Pandaria because they wanted to have an expansion like that, but also to celebrate the game being made available in China, with China still buying a lot of copies of the game to this day.
25:45 – contrary to popular belief, Sylvanas is a morally grey character. or at least she was up until this point, but her motives are explained later, sadly only in book form though.
The tentacle beard guy is called a Draenei. They're kind of wow's version of Tieflings. The lore is long and vast but where tieflings are the children of someone who made a deal with a hellish being, draenei are the survivors and descendants of people who refused a demonic gift. Their kin who did accept the gift hunted them to near extinction. The whole story is a lot more nuanced of course.
You calling Greymane "the Furry" gives me life, haha
BY THE WAY, The Lich King(big blue ice king guy with zombies) that Sylvanas beats at the end was super weak. It's a different person, the original Lich King was killed in a massive siege on his citadel(where he instakilled everybody and almost won anyways, he was only stopped because he let an old guy live to let him suffer and the old guy saved everyone at the end). The red fire guy Lich King is a different one, whos entire job was to make sure the zombies didn't kill more people and keep them under control. If there was NO Lich King, the zombies would be out of control and start an apocalypse, so they had to give somebody the big evil crown to control them. His entire purpose is to be weak and to make sure himself and the undead armies don't become a threat. The original Lich King actually KILLED Sylvanas and turned her into an undead slave, she's an elf zombie now. She broke free of the old Lich Kings control and tried to kill him several times, failing and getting her ass kicked every time.
The old Lich King from the cinematic with the giant skeleton dragon would've, and already has, kicked Sylvanas's ass. She only won against the fire guy because his job was to be weak.
Dragonflight and The War Within cinematics yet to go on your journey, and if you have another set of underwear, watch the Diablo 4 cinematics (all 3 of them BTW)… look forward to your reactions. And also you can play WOW free upto level 20, which is a ton of content to see if you like the game, and you can try out different classes too in the trail, as you only sub when you want to continue a character beyond level 20, meaning you can level umpteen classes up to try them all for free if you fancy.