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I have never played or even seen gameplay of world of warcraft, so let’s hop into the game universe through all of the cinematics!!!
We’re watching the Warbringer animated shorts PLUS the dragonflight cinematic I missed in my last video!
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What cinematics should I check out next???
These cinematics are GOATED, love the painted style
Jiana incredible character for the Alliance. More lore drop about here when playing Battle for Azeroth as she's has a big storyline arc there.
The Tree is the capital city of the night elves… so she didn't just destroy the tree, but the home place of the elves. A place all Elven characters for the Alliance used to quest in and revist for quests and crafting. So a huge loss to the game.
WOW never does DLC… only HUGE expansions bringing new lands, quest, dungeons, raid, new world activities, and more! Delightful when each one drops… one coming real soon.
When you get your dragon and fly it for the first time, you will have the same feelings as the Dragonflight trailer… truly epic!
If you head into World of Warcraft… highly recommend you pick an (RP) server… role playing, so there is no Earth chat about polotics and things that spoil your emmersion. Also turn of player names for NPC and things to make the world more interesting as you'll have to mouse over people to see what/who there are. Also role play servers are so fun as people do stay and chat with you, but keep things in the world of azeroth.
Two sets on cinematics my friend! The Burdens of Shao Hao, and Lords of war. If you saw me, shout out my recommendation, and if you have lore questions, I'd love to answer them in person!
Sylvanas was a blood elf ( Horde) and the inhabitants of the world tree were night elves (alliance), so in this case she did not betrray her owm people. But she did later, when she tried ti kill everyone including the Horde. Queen Aszara is a night elv and really evil. She sympathized wizth the Burning Legion and the Old Gods. Both want to kill everyone on Azeroth. So Sylvanas and Aszara are from different origin, but are equally evil.
Sylvanas wasnt a Night Elf , she was High Elf , cousins , the tree she burned was Night Elves home. woah more of the elf racism , first you bag on the eyebrows, now they all look alike. J/k. 🙂
Dragons were created as stewards of the world essentially, each aspect has its own thing going on, The large red one at the end was alexstrasza, who is essentially the aspect of life
The other dragonflights are bronze with nozdormu as the aspect of time, these ones watch over the timelines, blue and I don't actually know the current aspect of magic, might be kalecgos, malygos was the original but went a bit mad, you had to kill him, this flight watches over magic.
The green which is led by alexstrasza's sister ysera who resides/resided in an ethereal realm called the emerald dream for the most part, these dragons watch over nature, and finally the black dragonflight which was led by neltharion, or deathwing, which was the dragon in the cataclysm trailer, these guys were watching over the earth, but got corrupted by old gods and were bad for a while.
Theres some other stuff like chromatic dragons, which were a wierd experiment, some temporal dragon things which were anti bronze dragons led by future nordormu.
Dragonflight has turned out to be a lovely expansion, and you WILL be able to ride a dragon 😀
The world of Warcraft stuff earned you my sub W
This game has a ton of pirates. There was even awhole pirate themed battle royal mode.
Jania looks over at Yoda and say "Hold my bear, I will show you how to raise a ship!"