Val'sharah – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Legion

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During the Burning Legion’s third invasion of Azeroth, Val’sharah was assaulted by the satyr lord Xavius and the Emerald Nightmare. He was able to wake up the satyrs slumbering below Shaladrassil, and corrupt the World Tree itself. With its roots deep within the ground, the great tree then began to corrupt the forest. The satyrs broke through and overran Shala’nir.

Following this, the Emerald Nightmare began to manifest itself throughout Val’sharah. Cenarius was overtaken by an affliction that caused him to lie unwaking in his grove; he was eventually successfully corrupted and yanked into the Nightmare itself. Malfurion Stormrage was captured by the satyrs while trying to free his erstwhile mentor. The Wild God Malorne was also lost in the Nightmare.

The Dragon Aspect Ysera arrived at Val’sharah to intervene, seeking to recover the Tears of Elune from the Temple of Elune to cleanse Cenarius. However, Xavius got to the artifact first, and managed to corrupt Ysera herself with it. Tyrande Whisperwind tracked down the Nightmare Lord, although not before losing the archdruid Elothir to the corrupting influence. In the climactic battle at the Temple of Elune, Tyrande and her companions were forced to kill Ysera, reclaiming and cleansing the Tears of Elune in the process.

These dramatic events caused heavy damage to the forest and its inhabitants. Shala’nir was completely lost to the Nightmare, its luckier inhabitants evacuating the village. A similar fate befell Shadowfen, which was hastily abandoned. Whole sections of the forest, such as the area of Dreadwood and Moonrest, were lost to the affliction. Crazed creatures began appearing throughout the land, and brazen satyrs and their allies attacked several locations. Many elves escaped to places such as Starsong Refuge, or even crossed the border into Suramar. The corrupted tendrils of Shaladrassil followed them even there.

A wholly different crisis emerged around Black Rook Hold. The warlock Gul’dan reanimated the spirits of Lord Kur’talos Ravencrest and his soldiers, who started assaulting Bradensbrook. With the help of Jarod Shadowsong, the villagers were eventually able to repulse this threat. Shadowsong and adventurers then pushed into Black Rook Hold itself. After heavy fighting, they were able to slay the dreadlord Dantalionax, and finally, put the spirits of Ravencrest’s soldiers to rest.

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For the music titles turn on the CC (captions / subtitles) from YouTube bar.
Enraptured Woodlands: Edo Guidotti
Sacred Stone, Requiem for the Lost Cities, Emerald Nightmare: Sam Cardon
Nossharah, Passage: Russell Brower

World of Warcraft Legion Val’sharah locations on this video:
0:00:00 Intro
0:00:50 Field of Dreamers / Entrance from Azsuna
0:02:11 Lorlathil
0:04:44 Field of Dreamers
0:05:44 Sabermaw Bluff
0:06:42 Steelclaw Vale
0:08:21 Lunarwing Shallows
0:11:34 Malorne’s Refuge
0:14:57 Thas’talah
0:16:47 Thas’talah Basin
0:19:01 Lostlight Grotto
0:20:01 Smolderhide Thicket
0:22:22 The Dreamgrove / Druid Class Hall
0:30:10 Emerald Bay
0:33:13 Bradensbrook
0:36:06 Black Rook Hold
0:36:45 Ravencourt
0:38:40 Raven’s Glory
0:40:01 Grove of Cenarius
0:45:32 Temple of Elune
0:49:18 Ashemane’s Fall
0:51:53 Sylvan Vale
0:52:45 Andu’talah
0:55:59 Ash’theran
0:58:02 Darkheart Thicket / Shala’nir / Emerald Nightmare

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33 thoughts on “Val'sharah – Music & Ambience | World of Warcraft Legion”

  1. A zone that is so beautiful but forgotten by many players (including myself). You will notice some music themes have influences from Teldrassil.

    Anyway, if you want to see similar stunning zones I recommend you to watch (links below): Ardenweald, Teldrassil, Mount Hyjal, or Talador. There are many more, but I have to stop somewhere 🙂

    Do you like this video? Give it a like, listen to more (playlist links below), subscribe. Do you want to support my work? Details in the video description. (New: I've created 2 more tiers in the Membership zone).




    Mount Hyjal:


    Legion music & ambience playlist:

    All World of Warcraft music & ambience playlist:

    Livestream with Music & Ambience:

    With love,


  2. I am getting my zones confused. I thought this zone was entirely underwater. A quick google search… and I think my mistake is understandable. The two zones sound very alike. 😛 The zone I was thinking of is Vashj'ir.

  3. Always a wonderful day when you post. 😊 Thank you for capturing the essence of this beautiful, majestic zone; so many fond memories, even those spent simply perched atop a surface taking in the sights. Val'sharah was truly a sight to behold upon entering it for the first time, and that sense of wonder persists to this day.

    Thank you again, for the great work as always 😊❤

  4. This channel is my new go-to for all things wow nostalgia. This takes me back to some happy memories! Legion was my favorite expansion I ever played (started in cata) and this zone was my favorite alongside suramar

  5. This is my hometown.
    I have started wow in 2015
    but wow has dead with end of legion..
    Legion is last perfect expasion.
    I miss that time.
    Thanks for amazing video meisio 🙂

  6. The whispers in the emerald nightmare themes… always found that so spooky. Best zone in Legion ambience wise for my dollar, but my first main was a druid so maybe I'm biased :p

  7. What i love about Val'sharah is that is very different from elvish zones of Kalimdor like Teldrasill, Ashenvale etc. but keep that elven tone. The connection between nature and all it's creatures is strong on Val'sharah, as it should be. Blizzard again created such a beautiful music for Val'sharah as always for all the zones.
    My favorite Legion zone. All my wow main characters were night elves. I love everything about elves and Val'sharah added a lot the lore.

  8. Walking in Val'sharah made me feel like i was not in Legion exp.and that made me feel great.Was Super Amazing zone for leveling to walk you to explore the whole zone,knowing that a satyhr called Xavius was so evil that he coruppted Cenarius in Emerald Dream,turning Ysera into a nightmare dragon and having Malfurion tricked as a prisoner in Darkheat Tichet all this made for me the best lore quest from all legion zones and let's not forgot about Maiev brother and the Black Rook Hold.
    Nice job,Meisio,you just resuscited the memories from Val'Sharah.👍


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