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Here are some games from my recent queue session playing vanguards cleave aka Ret/DK.
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#WorldofWarcraft #MMORPG #Gaming #pvp #Shadowlands #deathknight
Nice video!
What pvp talents are you and the Ret taking to complement the group? I’ve been using chill streak, heartstop, and dome or aura depending on comp. the ret I play with is unsure if he should be taking different talents for the comp
More !
I need more !!!
Do you mainly hit dps, then hard swap on healers when you have a grip go?
More 3v3s vidoes!
Hi! Why you swap 2 one handed?
bro i see DW here, how come? running Razor&spell with it?
man can you pls tell me whats the plan when the enemy has a warlock or double casters or hunters for that matter? I have a realy big problem when facing this comps, thx in advance!!!!!
What's the addon that shows on their nameplates when they've been pummled or have divine shield up etc?
whats the addon what show when your cooldowns are ready?