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Vanilla Classic is back, and it’s not just Hardcore WoW
by @WillEmmo
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what u talking about? servers in EU its EMPTY
It's sad that we've reached a point where everyone thinks Blizzard is so incompetent that you instantly start sweating when you try to imagine them changing something or coming up with their own ideas
6:40 Honestly, I’ve mained a ShadPriest since somewhere between vanilla and BC, and it’s not really that “it’s so hard,” it’s that there’s just SO. MUCH. SHIT. in retail now. While, yes, there is a lot of hard shit, too, I would say there’s just so much shit overall.
The thing I don’t miss: Phase 2
Classic vanilla for the win! 🙂 overall amazing game hands down.
I'm getting baxk into classic and im 28 😂😂
I know he hasn’t really gotten involved with ffxiv drama, but what he says at 19:35 encapsulates why the endwalker relic grind is kind of disappointing. The game feels isolating when there is no large group content besides hunt trains
Come back to classic asmon you know you want to
He's 100% correct about difficulty.
Wow has gradually added mechanics one by one to keep old players engaged to the point that new or casual players just alt+f4 when confronted with the college degree they've gotta take to simply play a game.
im fucking scared to start playing agein when classic came out and i went to it i went from like 90 kg to 130 kg just playing… not that im good or anything i neaver had the best tire gear since i allways played alone and thanked god for being taken on raids… i reached max lvl on a pala… first char ever at age 11 am 28 now max on mage since i heard they made good gold and yeah solo zulfarrak was the shit a warrior i maxed aswell but never got best tire gear but in wrath i lost my fire / i found a mirror or some shit plz let me know if this hardcore thing is worth going from 80 kg back to 130 struggeling to pay rent :s cause this game brings me back to my youth on my faking potato pc screen was heavyer then the actual pc back then xD but sweet jesus if not for wow i would have never learned english i had this teacher who got me into it and boy was i hated cursed and so on by players however i never knew what they were saying but slow and steady i learned english even tho i hated school and allways skipped it this game got me to learn a language that i still can write properly with all the . and ' in it but atleast peopel understood me… at the end of the english learning curve xD is this thing worth losing my job and reliving my childhood or not ? <3
"Vanilla is a living breathing world" It was completely deceased all the way through the first SOM. People now have fomo from hardcore but don't want to take the plunge. Playing on a dead server during Naxx patch is I supposed the next best thing. You could use all of his arguments to apply to tbc or wotlk.
If I had another chance to play a fresh server Classic i totally would.
Honestly, a refreshed Classic+ experience with new dungeons, raids and questlines, balanced classes or even reworked classes would be the real WoW killer
I plan on using my Steam Deck to start playing WoW Classic for the first time in years and a more "mobile" WoW game.
asmons explaination of marrowgar reflects his true IQ
People want to play classic WoW because it's easy and they can get good gear with little effort.
Ulduar was easy
Joke add raids for the most part except for AQ 40.
retail isnt hard is overly convoluted
I just started playing classic wotlk this week, I don’t even really like mmo’s but this game is so sick from the dialogue to the starter zones and the brutal early gameplay. Tried playing retail but it just feels like the magic was gone and it had become more generic.
In reference to vanilla "quests are dynamic"…. wut? I was on board with the rest but… nah
Go afk till it's dead haha
yea fuck retail bro, i love lving and in retail getting old tears to get transmog and thats it, i dont even try to learn all that new shit. have been playing wow since 2005.
22:25 damn straight!!! ::ddd
People who have played World of Warcraft for over 12 years, please stop joining other MMORPGs and demanding things that you believe must be implemented in those games just because they exist in World of Warcraft and you think that's how things should be. Stop it! Get some help.
Wow and walmart are the exact same thing
Could some one send me a link for a wow classic ready pc I could buy under 1500??
Im a new player and started with wow wotlk classic as a human warrior on fire maw.
Levelig is TEDIOUS AF and honestly it's not fun, but I enjoy the (little) player interaction I get.
It will suck if they don't crush, and I mean CRUSH the botting…
Transmogrification and micro transactions killed game for me, that's why I love Vanilla
hi 4egistwitch
My fav MMO is Vanilla after server pop reaches 1000 and before it reaches 10000
The reason players are coming back is because they really have high hopes of classic plus being announced which myself I want and like many others, and it is a reason they want to have the time to get BiS gear before any good news near the future. Classic plus hype this blizzcon!
Hey Guys! I would like to know (seriously, since I have been seriously thinking about it but I have no data or knowledge; I want to just start playing wow) Why I should play Vanilla instead of WOFTK?
thanks = ) !
I was 32 🙁