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Sylvanas was almost a throwaway character, and the story for WoW could have been completely and utterly different.
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How different do you think the story would have been if Jaina was the Banshee Queen instead of Sylvanas?
can you imagine a world without sylvanas? 😀🌈⛰🏕🌄😄
Forsaken should have been their own faction, pulling in recruits from all the races of azeroth. I'm thinking Forsaken tauren, forsaken gnomes, forsaken elves, trolls, etc. One of the biggest misses in WoW's lore is that we started with 2 factions that have been converging into a single "good guys" faction ever since… I like to think that more factions would arise over time, not fewer.
Imagine if, when TBC launched, the Illidari were a playable faction, whose capitol was the Black Temple, when WOTLK launched, the Scourge were a faction with ICC as their capitol city, when Cata launched, the Twilight Hammer were a playable faction, and it could be any race, with their capitol in Grim Batol. It's crazy to think of all the lore threads that would interconnect with the 2 "base" factions, like RFC being inside Orgrimmar, and being a twilight hammer-themed dungeon.
Iv been playing since 2006, how come i never heard or watched anything about this????????????? 😱
I'm sad that Jaina has never gotten a happy moment now that I think about it and her love life is a disaster:
Kael'thas was creepy towards her
Arthas became an evil maniac
Kalec doesn't give her any importance and the plot point was dropped
Rhonin (and most people in Theramore) got killed by Garrosh
Thrall was never for her and they are friends at most
She never had kids or anything. At most she protects Anduin as if she was an aunt and she has his Undead brother, and her mother. Poor Jaina.
it is funny. this is the only way the war 3 story could have been worse. and the bit which is funnier is that it also fixes the worst part of war3. the culling of stratholm's awkward jaina lines wouldn't have been as awkward if jaina was a major character. she was just a footman number2 with a name. but if they had given her a full plot arc and expanded the missions in the human campaign it narratively could have worked.
as for garithos being a bad guy. garithos was a pretty strong character. also having a new and old alliance as well as a new and old horde, would have been narratively interesting. it would have rhymed with the way the factions worked in war2, and while inferior it would still be interesting.
garithos could have done some pretty ham acting in wow and could have been an interesting faction head. "quiet [race]. we must retake lorderon"
jaina vs arthas as undead confrontation would have been a great scene. but if the only difference was swapping the characters, not as good.
the water elemental being turned into a undead slime with bones disolving into it would be neat.
and if instead of dark ranger posession if she also had a … war within, wherein both she and arthas had shadows of mind as an enemy faction which was old god based, it could have been pretty narratively compelling. she could look for absolution and salvation and acceptance; while he looks for domination, destruction, and subjugation.
she accepts the vices of the souls which cause them to linger and seethe in resentment. meanwhile he lashes out harming others to try to maintain control over himself.
she would be still like a dao within the swirling chaos. and he would be spiraling into revenge and desperation. she would be plagued with doubts, and he would be stricken with conviction.
an interesting option for faction design would be to have the buildings of the shadow faction always take damage, and require maintenance.
a good story beat, just it would need a lot more support scaffolding. it would need a new faction of shadows, sorta like the emerald nightmare faction.
I'm still waiting for Jaina to be revealed as a dreadlord